4 - Nicky

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Leo's P.O.V.:
Nicky is this, around 6'0 tall french guy with an obsession for annoying other people. He has shortish light brown almost blond kind of curly hair, hazelnut eyes a pointy thin nose, a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. From far away he seems like a normal built dude, but he actually is pretty muscular. Not to mention that he has big hands of an artist. His art is awesome and his sketches are breathtaking. And he's that type of student that doesn't wear the uniform or wears it the wrong way on purpose and gets sent to the principal's office at least once a day. But even though I knew so much about him, he always was a mystery to me.

We were herbs class when our principal, Mr. Dearborn, interrupted class to introduce our new student. "As you might've already heard, a new student is going to attend our school. His name is Nicolás Jean-Jaques Baudelaire. He is from the beautiful Aix-en-Provence in France. His family is well known in Idris as well. So you probably have already heard of his parents Anne-Lise and Joseph Baudelaire ", Dearborn said pronouncing the french names quite too much.

Nicky just stood there proudly spreading his charm. He smirked and looked through the benches. When kept staring at me, I was surprised. He was probably just looking at his reflection in my glasses. I was in the first row. It was clear to everyone that he was staring at me. And as he did, the rest of the class did. I blushed and got all red. Acknowledging that he smiled even more. There weren't any seats left with exception of one. The seat next to me. That was probably the reason he kept looking me in the eyes. Why would he care about a nobody like me?
Without any warning he sat down next to me. Even the principal, Mr. Dearborn, was surprised.

For the next couple of weeks he kept following me around. So basically as soon as the class was dismissed I ran as fast I could towards the bathroom locking myself into a bathroom stall. It was fine at all until we were assigned a project. I could ignore him no more. When class ended he stopped me from running to the restroom.
"So when do you want to do the assignment, Ludwig? Should we do it at your place or at mine? I'm fine with both, but it would be more quiet in the library", he said.
"I'll just do the assignment by my own", I replied and tried to surpass him.
"That's no fun", he then said and stuck right at my heels.
"Why do I feel like you don't like me? What have I ever done to you?", he continued without stopping.
After he had followed me around almost all campus I turned around and exploded.
"Could you, just for once, leave me alone?! You've been following me since you first arrived. And stop calling me Ludwig!", I screamed and everyone turned around to watch our fight. Nicky smiled even brighter. He got what he wanted after all. He got my attention.

I ran outside the building and he didn't follow me.
I sat down in the backyard, where usually no other went and read my book in peace. It was peaceful as long it lasted. As expected Nicky found me, again. This time he didn't bother me at all. he just stood there next to me. He took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier. I shouldn't have overreacted", I said putting down my book.
He looked at me and then continued staring at building's back. After a bit he said:
"It's okay, I probably deserved it. Make it up to me by meeting me at the library at 3pm and do the assignment with me. What do you think?"
"As long as you promise me to stop following me everywhere I'll see you later in the library.
"Okay, pretty boy", he said and from then on he called me "pretty boy".

I arrived earlier than planned and looked through some books. I ended up taking a book about french forbidden lovers with me. Searching for a quite place to do our assignment I still waited for Nicky. He was late of course, but he made it. His tie was loose. His shirt not ironed and out out of his pants. But he made it.
"We're you waiting, pretty boy?"
I blushed and my throat was closing up.
"Not that long", I replied with a very high voice.
We began doing our assignment, but as expected he just sat there staring at me. I did most of the work. I probably should've seen it coming, but I didn't mind.
"Why don't you want me to call you by your last name?", he asked.
I was embarrassed and was moving around in my chair since I felt uncomfortable.
"Louis Ludwig isn't my real name", I replied nervously.
"What's your real name then?", he said surprised and smiling.
"Who knows, maybe someday I'll tell you"
"Okay, pretty boy", he replied and winked at me. I got even redder.

I never forgot that day. Weeks passed by and I decided to tutor Nicky since his grades weren't the best. We hanged out more and more and once even went to Alicante together, because our principal approved it. And just like the day we (I) did our assignment, we were in the library.
I was reading a chapter about protective runes.
As always Nicky just stared at me.
"Your freckles are cute, you know that, pretty boy?", he told me.
I was about to stand up when he took my wrist with one hand and my tie with the other and pulled me closer. He pressed his lips onto mine. At first I didn't pull back, but when he put his hands on my waist I got nervous. I took a step back and my voice was cracking. My throat closing up like it always used to when I was upset or felt uncomfortable.
Nicky was redder than I was.
"Sorry, I don't know what got into me", he said and laughed awkwardly. I was about to take his hand to tell him he did nothing wrong, but he had already taken his stuff and ran out of the library.

For a couple of days we didn't talk at all. But in less than a week I met him in the backyard. He was leaning against a wall. A cigarette in one hand and alcohol in the other.
"Aren't you a bit too young to be an alcoholic?", I asked.
He just glanced at me once and then turned back to drinking and ignoring me.
"It's not your fault. You might've felt like I was sending you signals. And I'm sorry. There's nothing wrong with you, if that's it. In fact even if it were true, it wouldn't change anything about how I feel about you as a friend", I then added.
But still, no reply.
I took the cigarette and his bottle and got as close to him as I could without evading his private space even though our noses were almost touching.
"Do I have your attention now?", I insisted.
Even though he didn't say anything back he took my glasses and put them in my uniform's pocket.
"You are prettier without glasses", he told me and smiled. I felt relieved when I heard his voice.
When he took the bottle and cigarette from my hands I backed away and we just stood there in silence.
"You want?", he asked holding his cigarette towards me.
I took it and took a deep breath. Even though it was an exception and just for Nicky's sake, I didn't regret anything. Nicky smiled and would've done everything to see his smile first thing in the morning.

Authors' note:
Hello luvs <3
it's me, Leo, again.
It's been very boring today so I felt like writing more than one chapter. Sooooo here's the 4th chapter.
I hope you liked it.
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We'll probably upload other chapters tomorrow :D
bye and don't stay on wattpad until late at night besties ;)

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