9 - An unexpected surprise

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Tw: abuse/violence

Leo's P.O.V.:

Seeing Robert and Maryse there in front of me woke memories I had buried deep in my mind. I wasn't expecting this and wasn't ready at all.
"Son?", Robert said and cut me off my thoughts.
"Hello, Robert", I said trying to sound less surprised.
"I didn't expect you to come. What if people see you? You are very well-known. People could recognise you. What about my secret identity?", I then added.
"Of course we would come, son. Don't worry about it, we'll take care of that", Robert replied and forced on a fake smile.
"Would you mind coming with us. We need to talk", my mum almost whispered carefully.
When I opened my dorm's room wider she added:
"In private, somewhere more decent".
I put my uniform on and followed them
in the greenhouse.

"We have a surprise for you", my mum said while we were about to sit down at a table distanced by the rest of the greenhouse.
"You didn't have to buy me anything, you know that I don't care about gifts", I replied.
"You'll be living with us after easter", she said without even letting me finish.
My whole world, my "friends", school were crumbling right in front of me.
All my great memories rushed before my eyes.
"I-I want to stay here. I have friends and classes to attend to and I c-can't just leave mid-semester", I blabbered hastily.
"It has come to our ears that your grades has been slightly dropping about three months ago. Is there something you want to tell us?", Robert asked and raised his eyebrow. He knew about everything. He knew about Nicky. He knew about ME and Nicky.

"W-what do you mean? I was stressed with all t-the homework and tutoring friends. T-there must've been a misunderstanding", I lied and tried to act normal.
Robert slapped my cheek pretty hard after that.
"Don't you ever lie to me. Not now, not tomorrow, never", he added and pronounced every single syllable.
"Yes, sir", I said quietly trying to avoid his glance.
I remembered all the times Robert hit when I didn't referred to him as "sir".
"It's only for your best", my mum almost whispered.
I gave my mum the desperate look.
"Oh, don't you dare try to ask her for help, your man. It's not a choice, it's already decided. You'll move back home after easter, end of the discussion", Robert hissed and smirked because of his victory.

After that they left as fast as they arrived.
I sat on my dorm room's floor leaning against my door. I could barely breathe. I was having a panic attack. Gasping for air and crawling on the floor I laid on my back pulling my knees up and tried to calm down my breathing.
How could they take me back home?
I would have to go through that crap again.
I couldn't, I just couldn't. More and more memories I wanted forgotten came up.
For the rest of the evening I just laid on the floor lost in my thoughts.

After that day I spent day and night thinking of a way to escape. I could've used Dearborn's portal, but what if they could've tracked me down?
I needed some safe place to hide.
I eventually came up with a plan.
In NYC Upper East Side was supposed to be a deserted Nephilim Institute (spoiler alert: it wasn't deserted ;) )On a weekend so no one would notice I was missing. I would have to cutdown any contact with others not to seem suspicious and pretty soon too.The question was when. I saved that for last.

It was a normal day when Dearborn asked me to follow him to his office.
"You might be asking yourself why I asked you to join me. There was a tiny change of plans.
It's no secret anymore that you are the son of Maryse Lightwood. So don't worry. But your parents decided for you to head back home now. I know it's sudden, but you should pack your things. You've been an excellent student and a great friend to many others too. I hope that you didn't hate it too much here. Go on, they'll pick you up tomorrow", he said and I almost got another panic attack.
Why now? I wasn't supposed to leave for another 2 weeks. I had to leave. Right then right there. I decided to wait for after dinner when all the students and teachers were in the main hall for a reunion.

You know the rest, I presume.

What you don't know is that I got caught.
My parents weren't quite happy about that and Robert soon couldn't hold back to hit me and tell me what a disgrace I was. I got a boring lecture by both my mum and Robert and then everything was back to normal. I was homeschooled, had combat training with Robert bla bla bla. Not that interesting.
One year later, Maryse and Robert told me they wanted to transfer me to the Institute in the big apple, because they thought I was ready to follow the duty of a shadowhunter . I was going to meet my siblings, they said.
After I got caught in NYC I felt a hatred for that black haired boy. Him turning out to be my brother made it worse. Would he had let me stay if he had known I was his brother? Probably?

I decided to write Nicky a letter before leaving, like I always had been since he had left. Even though I never got an answer I hoped he would've gotten them. I had told him everything. He probably was busy with his own stuff, I thought.

The day came and I got transferred.
Seeing the old building again in another situation made me realise how beautiful the building standing right in front of me was. I noticed details I hadn't seen the last time I was in New York.
When I arrived no one was there. This made me wonder where they had gone.
I got a room near the greenhouse. I had to get used to living with other people than my mum and Robert  or people my age, but it didn't take me ten minutes to fall in love with that building.This was going to be my new home after all. I had my own room with a perfect view, a huge closet for my plenty clothes to fit and a wonderful mahogany bed in barock style. Exploring the Institute I found the library.

There were many old dusty books, but I still was impressed. I randomly took one and sat down on an old but beautiful chair made out of leather.
I heard peoples' steps and voices coming closer and closer. Four people bursted into the library.
My siblings Isabelle and Alec Lightwood.
And two other people. Clary and Jace.
Alec's jaw dropped when he saw me. I looked him dead in the eyes and he got red.
"Long time no see, brother?", I said dryly without taking my eyes from Alec.
"Who is this? And why did he just call you his brother? Do you know him, Alec?", Jace asked.
"Tell him who I am, Alec brother dear", I said and smiled arrogantly.

"This is Leo Lightwood. Son of Maryse Lightwood and Micheal Wayland", Alec replied embarrassed almost inaudibly.

Authors' note:
Hello guys :)
Here's another chapter. I'm kinda disappointed to be honest coz I don't really like this chapter but I dearly hope you do haha.
Nvm. Vote and follow, if you want to!!!
That's all for now.
See you :D

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