Chapter 16: How NOT to get a Date

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Though things may not be as cozy as they seem. After Potter's glorious win at the terrifying first trial, he seems to have gotten into a dreadful confrontation with Hermione Granger, resulting in Granger seeking comfort in the arms of another boy, whom confidential sources have identified as Nicolai Abramo di Angelo, fellow fourth year. Could this mysterious wizard be getting in between the wizarding world's favourite young couple? Rita Skeeters interviews with di Angelo's peers reveal more about his devious character-

"Nicolai Abramo di Angelo? That isn't my name." Nico sets down the copy of The Daily Prophet that had been shoved at him as soon as he'd gotten to breakfast one morning.

"Is that the only part of that that bothers you?" Hermione sounds livid, a fiery blush of embarrassment lighting her face.

"Obviously not, I just have no idea how they got it so wrong. Where did the middle name even come from? It's not even- mm, I guess it's kind of close."

"Nico, mate, everyone thinks you're dating Hermione now. Skeeter wrote an entire article about you." Ron shakes his head.

"So? I can deal with it. I don't really care. So what if people are being fed false information, this time it's not world ending."

"This time?"

"Don't worry about it."


Nico can wholeheartedly say that he hates dance lessons with Snape. It's bad enough being in the house of the teacher that hates him the most, why does he have to spend more time with him to learn how to dance? It isn't like Nico will be dancing at the dumb Yule ball anyway. It's bad enough that he's being encouraged to stay at school during Christmas for it, but he also is expected to  find a date and dance with her. Nico can feel his skin crawl at the thought as he watches the unfortunate sight of Pansy Parkinson dance with Severus Snape.

Who can he ask? Is he allowed to go alone? He could ask Hermione.

No, Nico shudders. After what happened last year, that would be way too uncomfortable. Ron and Harry would probably both say no. I am not asking Ginny, that would be weird.

"Mr. di Angelo." Snape interrupts his train of thought. "Would you like to demonstrate what I just explained."

"Not particularly, no." Nico sits back in his seat. "Why? You asking me to dance?"

Despite his poor standing with his Slytherin peers, this does receive a small round of appreciative giggles.

"Detention, di Angelo."

"Better than dancing with you."


"Hey Hermione, are you going to the Yule Ball?" Nico slides to sit beside her, having just gotten up for the day. The ball is drawing nearer, and Hermione had become the only bearable member of their group for him to be around, the other two constantly moping about not having found dates. Nevertheless, their nervousness is starting to rub off on him, despite Nico really not wanting to dance with anyone.

"I am, why?" She sets her fork down, having been working her way through breakfast.

"Harry and Ron are getting to me about finding a date, and I was wondering if you knew anyone that would not instantly despise going with me?"

"Sorry Nico, I don't. Maybe ask a third year. They can't go without a fourth year taking them." She pats his shoulder. "Maybe one of the Slytherin girls?"

"Yeah, maybe... Who are you going with? I haven't seen you scrambling to find a date, so I assume you've gotten someone."

Her face goes red. Seems she has a tendency to do that. "You can't tell Ron or Harry."


"Viktor Krum." She whispers.

Nico stares at her, disbelief painting huis face. "Surely not."

She nods. "It's true."

"Well good for you, Hermione." Nico grins. "Now I just need to find someone to go with."

"I'm sure you will."


As it turns out, maybe comes a lot sooner than he expects. Later that day, during a herbology lesson, he gets a nervous tap on his shoulder. He closes his eyes, taking a brief moment to remind himself that he is safe at Hogwarts, and to not slip whomever it is onto the table. Then he turns around, spotting a blonde Hufflepuff girl he had never spoken to before. Amber? Is that her name.

"Hi Nico." She gives him a shy, awkward wave.

"Hi... Amber?" 

"Hannah Abbott. I was wondering- um- if you'd like to go to- to the Yule Ball with me?" She looks down to her feet, too nervous to look him in the eyes. Said eyes are staring straight at her, trying to figure out if she was joking.

"Okay." He says after a moment, shrugging.

Her head whips up to look at him so fast he can practically feel the whiplash himself. "Really?"

"Uh, yeah. Why not."

She grins brightly, eyes glimmering. "Thank you! I look forward to it."

"Yeah. Okay. Now I really need to pot this... thing." He gestures at the plant he's holding.

"Ah, right. Of course, sorry. I'll see you then."

"See you then."

No, this is not me making Nico straight. Don't worry.

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