Chapter 4: Glass Cuts are the Worst

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Drawing by @feliii89

I hold my jacket over my head as I sprint across the street, my heavy trunk splashing water against the back of my legs. The rain is coming down fast and hard, my feeble jean jacket doing nothing to stop it from pelting me from all angles.

I get into the station, Cerberus shrieking indignantly and ruffling his wet feathers, drawing the attention of many muggles. So much for being low-key.

I make my way over to 9 3/4, dripping all the way, and lean against the wall. I stumble as I slip through, the weird, damp heat of the platform surrounding me.

I maneuver my way through the crowd of parting families, boarding the train and slipping into the first empty compartment I can find. For once, I actually was tired enough that I felt I could sleep on the train. I had been shadow travelling a lot.

I hoist up my trunk, trying to shove it up onto the luggage rack. It starts to slip down, getting heavier with the pressing gravity.

"No, no, don't you dare fall." Talking to my trunk is maybe a good indicator that I'm really tired, but no one was around to hear it at least. Or so I thought. Two hands press against the trunk beside mine, helping me shove it up and secure it on the luggage rack. I look to my right, seeing none other than Harry Potter, my friend.

"Thanks." I breathe out, getting a nod in response. The trio look mostly the same as a few days prior, save for the scratches now covering them.

"What's with the clawmarks?" I ask.

"Crookshanks and fireworks." Hermione explains solemnly, which is more than enough explanation for me.


I helped the three of them get their trunks and owl cages up on the luggage rack. Then we all sit down, Ron with Harry, and Hermione with me.

"How've you been, mate?" Ron asks.

I shrug. "Fine. Will confined me to bed rest, said I need to be 'well rested to be attending such a dangerous school'. He said I come back every summer exhausted, which is crazy since he barely knew me before last year."

"He's not wrong though," Hermione says. "You look exhausted."

I am, but they don't need to know that. I did a large, international shadow travel a few days ago, and another one less than an hour ago. There's no sun to force the shadows out of the empty parts of my body, congesting in my chest and making it hard to breathe.

But in response to Hermione, I just shrug.

"You should sleep."

"Yeah... Okay." I nod slowly. "Wake me up at the next life threatening danger."

I lay my head against the window and close my eyes. The cool glass and smooth, spread out bumps of the train lull me to sleep quickly.


I'm woken up by the loud sound of slamming and glass shattering. I bolt up, instantly falling over when my legs make it known that they are very much asleep. I topple over onto several sets of legs and a pile of glass shards.

"Ron!" Hermione exclaims. "Repairo!"

I feel the glass fly out from under me, slicing more of me and fixing themselves back on the door.

"Nico! Are you okay!?" Hermione sounds worried as she and Harry help me up, back into my seat. "Oh, you're bleeding!"

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I brush their hands off of me before noticing the three extra people in the compartment. Dean, Seamus, and Neville.

"Hi..." I greet uncomfortably. They all just stare at me, no doubt wondering why I have so a small reaction to being cut with a ton of glass. Ron was grumbling to himself, something about Malfoy.

At some point, Hermione ushers me to the washroom, telling me to wash the blood off. The three boys leave our compartment after a while, and we change into our school robes. Though, I made sure none of them are looking before I changed. I don't I want them to see how badly my body is scarred. I hate getting questions about it, forcing me to relive Tartarus in my head.

The short bit of the ride that is left is spent speculating over what's being hidden. I don't particularly care, so long as it isn't overly life threatening. But knowing Hogwarts, it will be just that.

First things first. Oh my gods, I have reached 1000 followers??? That is insane! Thank you guys so much! It really means a lot to me that so many people are liking the things I write. Y'all are the best, and I hope to continue writing for you!

Peace out Matchsticks!


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