Chapter 3: Orange is a No, Dear

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Drawing is by Feliii89

I'm woken up by giggles, and the click of a camera.

"Go away, Stolls." I mumble, burying my face into the warm mass next to me.

Warm? I'm never warm when I wake up.

I burst up, standing to face whoever was there, wherever I am. Unfortunately, my legs tangle in the blankets covering me, sending me twisting crashing back down to the ground, landing on my back. There's more laughter, more camera clicks.

I'm looking up at a multitude of people. Harry, Ron, Hermione, the twins, and Ginny.

"That was very graceful, Nico." Ginny grins at me.

"Stellar." Ron agrees.

"I hate all of you." I sling the blanket back over my head.

"There's no covering up that hair, Nico." The twins say. How do they manage to speak in unison? It's creepy.

"Mm. Nico?" I can hear Will ask no doubt just waking up. "Wha's goin' on?"

"Nothing Will."

"I can't understand you, Neeks. Where are you?"

I take the blanket off, only to see that Will hasn't opened his eyes. No wonder he didn't know where I was. The camera flashes again, taking a picture of my hair, no doubt.

"Stoooop." I groan, slinging my arm across my eyes.

"Nope. It's breakfast time mate." One of the twins says.

"Up and at 'em." The other one chimes in. They grab me by either arm, yanking me up and setting me on my feet before I have time to react.

I hiss, but they just laugh, turning out of the room.

"Mum is going to Diagon today, she wanted to know if you want her to pick up your stuff for school." Ron tells me. Ginny reaches to touch my hair, but recoils when I give her a glare.

"No. I will go with her though."

Will finally sits up at this. I look back to him, and he's pouting. "You're gonna leave me all alone?"

"You would be in a house with multiple people, and no, you're coming with me."

"Nico-" Hermione starts.

"No arguments." I pull Will up by the arm, scowling as my unfortunately tall boyfriend leans against me, resting his head on top of mine. The camera clicks again.


"How do we get there?"

Mrs. Weasley had gathered Will and I by the large fireplace.

"With floo powder of course." She grabs a pot from the mantle. "Just take a good handful, there you go, and stand in the fireplace."

I do as she instructs though the loose powder is hard to hold.

"Now, remember to speak very clearly we don't need a another mishap. Throw it down and say Diagon Alley."

Nico di Angelo and the Goblet of FireWhere stories live. Discover now