Chapter 18: The Second Task

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Harry, once again, is making it everyone's problem. He had put off figuring out the egg's clue so long they had a mere few weeks before the second task. They spend all of their lunchtimes, evenings, weekends, every moment they can spare pouring over book after book in the library. Nico gets more headaches than even, rubbing his face to keep awake and focused when he starts to drift.

Every "are you sure there's a way" is answered with a "keep looking" or a "don't give up hope". Nico, honestly, is doubting there even is a way to survive for an hour underwater. of course, this is without godly-parent-water-powers-a-la-Percy. Nico had even considered sending his cousin a letter of help, but that would make Percy worried, maybe even to the point of trying to findd him. He is not particularly wishing to see that side of the family any time soon, thank you very much.

"I don't reckon it can be done." Ron says, breaking the concentration of the group as they furiously read on the final evening before the event. "There's nothing. Nothing. Closest was that thing to dry up puddles and ponds, that Drought Charm, but that was nowhere near powerful enough to drain the lake."

"There must be something." Hermione mutters. She isn't looking very good, and Nico is mildly worried she had been reading instead of sleeping these past weeks. Not that he was once to talk, but that's his problem. "They'd never shave set a task that was undoable."

"They have."

"Harry, I think you'll just have to die. I am not reading another damn word." Nico shut the copy of Mystical Mushrooms and Marvels he had been reading.

"Nico! Don't give up yet! We still have time!" Hermione scolds him, but he finds that he truly cannot care less. "There has to be a way!"

"I know what I should have done." Harry rests face down on his book. "I should've learnt to be an Animangus like Sirius."

"Yeah! You could've turned into a goldfish any time you wanted!" Ron says.

"Or a frog." Yawns the doomed golden boy. 

"It takes years to become an Animangus, and then you have to register yourself and everything." Hermione squints at her pages.

"Then he really should've started sooner. I think I'd like to be a dog." Nico rests his chin on his own book. He feels exhausted. All the focus on being underwater had aggravated his nightmares, feeling like he's drowning every time he falls asleep.

"Oh this is no use." Hermione snaps her book shut in frustration. "Who on earth wants to make their nose hair grow in ringlets?"

"I wouldn't mind." Fred's Weasley's voice chimes in. The twins emerge from behind a bookshelf. "Be a talking point, wouldn't it?"

"What're you two doing here?" Ron asks.

"Looking for these two." George says, the twins putting their hands on both Nico' and Hermione's shoulders. "McGonagall wants them."

"Don't touch me." Nico brushes himself free of the hands. "Why does she want us?"

"Dunno. She was looking a bit grim, though."

Well that can't be good. The pair of them get escorted through the halls. As they go, Nico's mind wanders. Why are they being summoned? Are they helping Harry too much? No, Ron had also been helping. Had they done something wrong in class? Perhaps Malfoy is trying to get them in trouble again. Could it be about the article? But that was months old by now.

Soon enough, they arrive at the Headmaster's office. Also there is Cho Chang and a young girl Nico doesn't know. They all look at each other in silent curiosity and confusion, though Cho is clearly wary of being close to Nico.

"Now," Dumbledore enters the room along with McGonagall. "You four must be very curious as to why we called you here. You see, for the next task we require something dear to each contestant."

"I'm not stealing for you." Nico rolls his eyes. Unbelievable he would even ask that.

"No, no. No theft of any sort will be happening. We would like you to be said treasure. Of course, you will be completely safe during the entirety of this. No harm will befall you."

"But what about the one hour time limit?" Hermione asks.

"Ah. I see Mister Potter has confided in you about the task. No. No harm will come to you." The Headmaster assures her.

The last thing Nico knows is the calming feeling of sleep rushing up on him, then everything fades to black.


Gasping, Nico wakes up. He's soaked to the bone, being clung to by someone. Horror grips his chest as he realizes where he is. He's far out into the lake, reeds and seagrass clinging to his robes and hair. His head dunks back under, mouth filling with silty water, unable to see.

Drowning. He's drowning. He's out of his territory and Poseidon is punishing him.

But then a hand grips onto his arm, pulling him back up. Nico clings to his mystery saviour like a soaked kitten, trying to wipe the water from his eyes.

"Swim, Nico!" The person urges. Finally, Nico manages to get his vision sorted and opens his eyes, spotting Harry. The small girl from before he had passed out (had he passed out?) was on Harry's other side, shivering.

"Harry. What's happening?" Nico's teeth start chattering as the cold hits him, swishing his legs in the water to try and stay afloat.

"It's the second task. You were kidnapped by mermaids."

"What? How?" Nico looks down at the inky dark water below them, feeling his heart leap to his throat. This is not like the lake at camp. Silvery creatures swim around underneath them, humanoid things with spears. "Them?"

"Yes. Now help me with her. I don't think she can swim very well." He readjusts to get his arms under both their backs.

"Neither can I, Harry. Why do you think I'm still letting you touch me?" Nico glares at him, but it's undercut a bit by his intense shivering.

"Just kick your legs and move your arm like this." Harry demonstrates, and Nico takes the place at the other side of the girl. It's a struggle to get back, Nico's panic spiking every time he briefly dips under the water. Finally though, they reach the shore, merpeople swimming alongside them.

The next several minutes go by in a blur for Nico. He's given a towel and a blanket, and Madame Pomfrey feeds him a potion that feels like a lesser Phlegethon, like chewing several chilli peppers. He gets warmed up and fussed over, Hermione intervening at some point to pick a twig out of his hair. It's only just dawning on him that he's back on dry land when the judges announce Harry's score.

"Mr Potter's score is Forty-five points." Ludo Bagman announces, and the crowd along with most of the surrounding people burst into applause. If Nico hadn't been so miffed with being forced underwater, he may have as well. But he instead settles on a nod.

Nico returns to his room that night exhausted and very much dreading the next task. With that pleasant feeling, he falls into a fitful slumber.

Hello! Happy Pride Month Matchsticks! I hope you all have a wonderful month and enjoy!

Peace out Matchticks.


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