Chaper eight. This One.

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Swear warning for the video

Hermione POV

There he goes. Nico is going off to angst again. Yay c

I guess, as his frienss,  we must help him. The three Of us, the golden trio, stand up in perfect unison. "Time to help."

We follow him, taking no mind that he's ni where in sight and jist following the trail if friendship.

We find him in the forest, meditation.

"Oh wow." Says Ron.

"Such grace." Says Harry.

"How graceful." Says I, all of us looking up at our floating friend.

"Behold, foolish mortals." Nico says, his eyes completely black and surround by darkness.

"Your death ks now."

"Okay. L" we say.

And then he kilsl us with the power of a thousand shadows.

The end.

Happy April fools, my lovely Matchsticks. I can't tell if this is funny, I'm too tired. This is not the actual chapter, though the next one will be from Hermione's perspective.

Have a great day!


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