Chapter 17: The Yule Ball

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Waking up christmas morning, Nico feels in a foul mood. Normally, he would be back at camp at this time, spending christmas with his family. His family he doubts will be missing him on this day, and who are probably sleeping at that moment. This foulness is short lived, however, as he sits up to see a stack of presents at the foot of his bed.

He scoots close, reading the tags. Will, Hazel, Harry, Percy, all his friends from camp and school. An odd sensation claws its way up his chest and down his throat, an almost nauseating warmth. He unwraps each parcel carefully.

From Will, a framed photo of them from that summer, Will squeezing Nico tightly and pressing a kiss to his cheek, along with a box of chocolates. Hazel sent him a terribly out of fashion hat, similar to one he had worn as a child in Venice. Percy's package contains a set of several new knives, all concealed within study leather sheathes. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had given him various magical items, new quills, a notebook, and pastries suspiciously resembling Canary Creams.

He gives nods and tense smiles to the boys in his dorm when they wish him various iterations of "Merry Christmas", and makes his way up to breakfast. The rest of that day is spent with his friends, sitting out in the snow and engaging in snowball fights. Hermione leaves first to get ready, three hours prior to the ball. Nico can feel his stomach sink at the thought of going to the ball. Hannah Abbott is nice, it seems, lovely, even. But he doesn't know her.

Nico changes into his robes in the dormitory that night, brushing them out and surveying himself in the mirror. As ridiculous as he feels, he doesn't look all that bad. He finds himself, against his better judgement, wishing Will could see him now. He would be so proud, Nico thinks, to see how social he's becoming.

Nico makes his way up to the main hall, leaning against the wall and waiting for Hannah. She arrives, greeting Nico with a smile. She has a flowy, light brown dress, her hair half tied up in flower-like knots at the back of her head.

"Merry Christmas, Nico." She says. "I'm really excited for the dance. You look very handsome."

"Uh, thanks. You look... handsome too. Pretty, I mean. Nice?" He can feel the dread and nerves he had ignored previously now increase tenfold. He may be ill.

Get ahold of yourself. You have fought the earth herself, you can have one dance with a girl, he mentally scolds himself.

She giggles, luckily not offended by his slip up. "Thanks. Shall we go in?"

"Yes. Let's." He offers her his arm, which she gladly takes, and leads her into the steadily filling hall. It's gorgeous, the walls frosted, mistletoe hung from every place imaginable. Nico had seen incredible sights, but this may top most of them. 

They meet up with Ron and his date, Padma, inside. They both look miserable, arms hooked together and glum looks on their faces. Ron's robes have lost their frills and lace, which only moderately makes them better, though barely. When he spots Nico, he gets visibly more miserable.

"Even you look great! And you always look like a mess!" He throws an arm up in the air in exasperation.

"Thanks?" Nico raises an eyebrow at him, not sure if that was an insult or a compliment.

Just then, the doors of the hall open, drawing the attention of those within. The champions and their dates enter, drawing applause from the waiting crowd. Nico can't help but grin when he sees them. Harry looks so uncomfortable, and Hermione looks so happy. She really looks different, her hair styled and wearing a fancy blue dress. Nico isn't sure he's seen her this happy to be the center of attention before, even with the jealous glares she's getting for being at Krum's side. Nico is happy for her, glad to see his friend happy and enjoying herself.

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