T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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Year XX

I deposited the small flower on the ground safely before flinging myself back against the cool, and freshly grown grass.

This Island was magnificent with more than enough nutrient rich soil to practice my gifts on.

So why wasn't I getting any better?

No matter what I did, my powers still wouldn't do what I asked of them.

I was lucky enough to revive most of this Island's soil but other than that, I couldn't do diddly squat.

"Come on Seph," I muttered to myself "You can do this."

A rustle sounded nearby but I dismissed it.

It was most likely one of those baby boars again looking for their mother.

I raised my palm and sighed when the tiny flower appeared.

I frowned when said tiny flower started to wilt.

I mean, I knew I was bad with my powers but I never managed to wilt any of them before. 

Being the Goddess of Spring meant that I created new life, not killed it. 

"Neat trick" A smooth but deep voice said from beside me "But I don't think that tiny thing is going to be big enough to populate this whole Island."

I squealed and jumped up quickly, hiding behind a large tree.

There was a deep chuckle and when I peaked out from behind the tree's large branches, the man grinned at me, his dark unruly curls flopping into pretty crimson eyes.

My heart did this weird twirl in my chest as I continued to stare at the strange man.

No, not a man.

A God of some sort.

"Who are you and how did you find this Island?" I questioned, trying to mold a piece of fallen tree bark into a makeshift weapon.

Keyword: Trying. 

My powers really weren't cooperating with me today. 

The God's grin deepened until dimples appeared, his olive complexion complementing his handsomly strong features.

"I should be asking you the same thing" he laid back, propping his hands behind his head "Considering that this Island is only known to a very few selective people."

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