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*RECAP: Arachne, a mortal woman cursed by Athena to be a spider forever, kidnapped Sin in order to obtain some type of key. A key that neither Zephyr nor Sin know anything about. After retelling her story on how she came to be a monster, and after figuring our that Sin was useless to her, Arachne tried devour Serenity. When Zephyr managed to save Sin and kill Arachne, Arachne used the last of her strength to wound a frazzled Sin. The last thing Sin remembered before she passed out was Zephyr diving to save her. 


I was cold. 

Like frozen popsicle cold. 

I opened my eyes with a groan, blinking at the tented ceiling. 

"Where am I?" I said, my voice croaky like if I was on my deathbed. 

Which, by the way I was feeling, felt like I was. 

"You're awake" a sigh of relief sounded from my right. "Finally." 

I turned my head to the side, which was the only thing I could do at the moment, and found a shirtless Zephyr staring at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes.

I shut my eyes quickly. 

"Why are you naked?" I squeaked/croaked "And what happened?" 

"You don't remember?" 

I shook my head and tried to sit up. 

Before my body could plop back down from lack of strength, Zephyr was there helping me sit up. 

"Easy" he scolded softly, sitting behind me to prop my back up to his chiseled front. 

I bit my lip, cheeks flaming. 

Although the gesture was innocent enough, my mind was wandering to places that I didn't want to consider just yet. 

Zephyr was the first boy, man, that really caught and held my attention. 

Sure, I had crushes in the past but they were a come-and-go type of thing. 

I would like someone one week and the next, I would be over it. 

My cousins thought I was too picky in the dating department but I knew that wasn't the case.  

I knew my self worth and concluded that every single boy I had a crush on wouldn't understand or cherish my values. 

"You okay?" Zephyr asked, his warm breath on my neck making me shiver in delight "You kind of spaced off?" 

I nodded, leaning my head back slightly to look at him. 

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