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I pushed for the sixth time in the last thirty-six hours.

"Our baby is a stubborn little peanut, aren't they?" Hades grinned at me before placing a cool cloth on my face "I wonder if they'll look like one too?"

"A peanut? You want our baby to look like a peanut?" I let out a breathless laugh as a small contraction hit "Do you think it's a boy or girl?"

He thought about it for a moment "On one hand, I want a boy because I know how boys think and act, but one the other hand, because I know how boys think I don't want to handle the headache."

I let out a small breathless laugh "And if we have a girl?"

"I really really don't want my daughter to start dating" he gave me a pointed look "Especially if she looks like you."

I was about to say something else when another contract hit.

I groaned and latched onto my husband's hand.

He winced "This is a strong one."

I nodded and suddenly the chambermaids, my nurses were calling out in excitement.

Hades jumped out of his seat and gave me an excited look "We see a head!"

I smiled "Really?"

He nodded frantically "Our baby has dark hair! Like me!"

I pushed again after a particular harsh contraction and Hades peppered my face with kisses.

"The shoulders are out!" he murmured in my ear "One last push αγάπη μου, and then we'll finally hold our baby."

I groaned and pushed after the small contraction that hit me.

There were more excited murmurs and one of the nurses held up our baby.

Hades cried out in excitement "It's a boy!"

He kissed my lips "You did it αγάπη μου, you did it."

I watched with a small smile as Hades watched the nurses like a hawk.

Our newborn son wailed and wailed as the nurses tried to clean him up as fast as possible.

Hades, being the impatient man that he is, took our son from their hands and dismissed the nurses.

When we were finally alone, Hades rocked our son all the way over to us with a non-stop grin on his face.

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