*Warning: Those suffering from Arachnophobia, I suggest skipping this chapter or waiting for a recap in the next chapter.
As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew that something was wrong.
I knew something was wrong not only because I was trapped in this weird silky material, but also because I was suspended at least Eighty feet in the air.
Eighty. Freaking. Feet.
I squeaked when I realize that if I fell, or if this weird rope snapped, I would end up dying as a pancake.
Just a flat, brown, wolfie pancake.
'Nope, not going to happen,' I chanted to myself, 'If I'm going to go, I'm going out in style'
I tried to break my arms free, at least, but everything I did only seemed to make harder for me to breath.
I must be more injured than I originally thought because my healing abilities would have finished healing me by now, especially since I blacked out for a couple of hours.
Something crawling up the column of my throat distracted me from my train of thought.
I nearly blacked out again when that something, which was a big ass tarantula, crawled onto the side of my face and then towards the top of my head.
"Oh good," A smoky voice said from the shadows in front of me "You're awake."
I looked up sharply and found a...large web?
Suddenly, everything became clear.
Oh. My. Good.
This material I'm trapped in isn't rope.
It's a spider web.
I looked down at my bound body again and saw hundreds of spiders, all different shapes and species, skittered around my body, no doubt reinforcing the webbed material.
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about them" the same smoky voice said "They're just helping their mommy out with her pest problem."
"What am I doing here?" I said, glad that my voice didn't wobble like I knew it would.
You see, you'd think that a big bad Wolf like myself would be immune to smaller creatures like insects or Arachnids but ever since I was a little girl, when my brother's pet tarantula attacked me after I barely petted him, I've hated the little suckers.
Absolutely loathed them.
Werewolf"Legend has it there is always a reason why souls meet. Maybe they found each other for reasons that weren't so different after all. They were two souls searching and found a home lost in each other. When souls find comfort in one another, separatio...