T W E N T Y - F I V E

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"Where are we going?" I asked as he dragged me towards the edge of the courtyard.

He gave me a soft smile "It's a surprise." 

I frowned "I hate surprises." 

"You'll love this one" he said, pulling me to the edge of the castle grounds where the Acheron, or as I call it the Lake of Boiling Ghost water, surrounded us. 

I raised an eyebrow "I thought we couldn't travel the River without the sexy ferryman?" 

Zephyr scowled "Do you want to see your surprise or not?" 

 "It's a joke!" I snickered "Don't get your knickers in a twist!" 

"Knickers? Really?" He raised a brow "You aren't even from the UK." 

I shrugged "I went through a phase." 

He gave me the side eye. 

"What?!" I defended "I did!" 

And I did. 

I was so obsessed with anything UK related when I was younger that my parents ended up taking our whole family across the pond to where we were able to diverse ourselves in their  culture for a whole month. To say I was sad when we had to leave was an understatement. 

I was downright devastated. 

The only thing that could get me on the plane to return home was the promise that I could come back after my High School graduation with the twins as our present before college started. 

I nearly sulked, thinking that before all this crazy Hell stuff happened, I was a few short months away from reliving one of the greatest experiences of my life. 

Zephyr pulled a pocket knife from his dark jeans before opening it and carving into his palm. 

"Eek!" I squeaked when blood began oozing down his forearm "What are you doing?!" 

Zephyr grinned, wincing slightly but overall, continuing to carve into his skin. 

"Afraid of blood, are we?" He smirked "I thought wolves liked to hunt and weren't afraid of getting their hands-I mean paws- dirty?" 

"We aren't" I shot back "But I don't particularly like when someone I care about starts carving into their freaking skin!" 

His smirk soften into a gentle smile. 

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