Forever and always

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Rachel's POV
When I cut my stomach I wince a little and apparently Finn hears me cause he comes in and screams. Rachel why would you do this? He asks. Well you didn't want this baby. I said. Rachel I never said that. He said. You didn't have to say it cheating on me was enough. I said. Yea and I wouldn't want you having a baby with her anyway. Quinn said. Shut up Quinn. Finn said as he came and picked me up. Quinn stormed out of the room as we walked out of the door to go to the hospital.
Quinn's POV
I know a perfect way to get rid of that baby. But I can't do it alone so I call up San and Britt. I tell them to come over they are there in less than 10 minutes. Guys we're gonna get rid of that baby and I know the perfect way to do it. I say with an evil smirk.

That one night a finchel pregnancyWhere stories live. Discover now