Mr. Schue

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Rachel's POV
We are on our way to Mr. Schue's and I'm not ready. I turn to Kurt because he's the one driving. Kurt it would just be better for everybody if I died Quinn could have Finn and you could follow your dream and go to NYADA. I say. But if you die Finn loses the love of his life and I will be lonely and everything would come tumbling down. Kurt says. Finn doesn't love me it was an act. I say. Listen I probably shouldn't be telling you this but Quinn kissed him. Kurt says. I stay quiet the rest of the way and we get to Mr. Schue's house.
Mr. Schue POV
I hear a knock on my door it's Rachel and Kurt. Hey guys. I say. Hey we need to talk to you Rachel is thinking about suicide. Kurt says. What!!!!!! I scream. Sorry Rachel says. I give this big long speech to Rachel and then they leave.
Rachel's POV
The next morning
I wake up to the doorbell. I go and answer it and see Burt. Oh my god Kurt come see who's here? I say. Omg Kurt says as he comes down the stairs. What are you doing here? I ask. Well I met this woman Carole Hudson do you know her? He says. I stand their with my mouth wide open.

That one night a finchel pregnancyWhere stories live. Discover now