Pinky Promise Part 10

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Rick said they needed more guns. He, Michonne, and Carl had left that morning to apparently go hunt some down.

In the meantime Daryl and Glenn were working on adding protection to the upper catwalks and trying to continue Axel's work with the generators. Beth sat on the steps with Judith watching Daryl arguing with his brother for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day.

After Merle stomped away Daryl watched him go and Beth heard a very distinct, "Jackass," come out of his mouth.

Hearing her laugh he turned around and saw her sitting on the steps, "Hey, what are you two doing?' he asked walking over. "Well I'm thinking about how I could possibly ease some of that tension you've been holding on to all day," she answered.

Seeing the immediate blush that came over him Beth realized how that sounded, "Hmmm....maybe that didn't come out right," she laughed.

"I meant I could take your brother off your hands," pausing, she realized that didn't sound any better, "Good Lord what I mean is I could take him and go back to that daycare. Get some things for the baby and get him out of your hair," she explained better.

Sighing he shook his head, "Beth, I don't think that's a good idea. We don't know where this asshole is. He could be out there just waiting for one of us and you'd be with someone he probably wants dead."

Pouting slightly she looked up at him sadly.

Seeing her face he shook his head, "No, don't give me that look. I'm not changing my damn mind. It's not safe right now," he told her sternly. Huffing she rolled her eyes, "Fine, it was just a suggestion cuz I know he's pissing you off. Pissing everyone off really."

Leaning over he gave her a quick kiss, "I appreciate it," he told her. Nodding she stood to head back up the stairs to her cell, "We do have to go eventually though, Daryl, I can't keep shoving her in a mail carrier," she said over her shoulder, "She deserves a damn crib."

Watching her go Daryl smiled shaking his head, "Damn girls going to be the death of me," he mumbled before striding out of the cell block to make sure Merle wasn't causing problems.

They brought a playpen!

Beth was so ecstatic when Carl and Michonne walked in carrying it that she barely looked at the bags of guns and ammunition being brought in and piled on the tables. Squealing she ran over and hugged both Carl and Michonne, "Thank you. Thank you, I was just telling Daryl earlier that she needed something other than a mail carrier," she exclaimed.

Smiling Michonne asked where to set it up.

Hesitating Beth looked at Carl, "Well, I mean, I've been keeping her in my cell at night and getting up with her. So do you think your dad would be okay putting her in the cell next to me, or would he want her close to him?" she asked unsure.

After ensuring that Rick would be okay with letting Beth keep Judith Carl led the way up the stairs to set up the playpen. Once it was set up in the cell next to Beth's they realized there wasn't much room to walk, " you think we can take those beds off the wall?" she asked.

Squinting at them Michonne nodded, "Looks like they're bolted to the wall with some heavy screws. Won't be easy but might be done," she answered.

Nodding Beth decided to tackle that problem another day.

"Hey, I have something else that needs to go in here," Carl exclaimed before running out of the cell. Turning to Michonne, Beth smiled at her, "I can't thank you enough for bringing this back."

"Was Carl's idea," Michonne stated simply.

Sighing Beth felt relief, "He's going to be a good big brother," she said smiling down at Judith in her arms, "I was afraid there for a little bit because of what he had to do."   Looking up at Michonne Beth voiced her concern, "I thought he may blame her for Lori's death."

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