Pinky Promise Part 14

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"You ready to go?" Daryl asked, stepping into her cell.  Turning Beth nodded picking up her crossbow, "This is going to work right?" she questioned, stopping in front of him.  

Sighing he shrugged, "I ain't making promises, but we're prepared, that's something," he answered.  Nodding Beth took his hand as he led her out to the top catwalk and down to the courtyard where the cars were all packed up and ready for them.

"Okay Daryl's going to lead us out.  Based on yesterdays run through it's going to take about twenty minutes to lead far enough out and back around to where we're going to stash the cars.  We'll come back up through the backwoods and have about two hours before they'll possibly come looking when we don't show up for Michonne's hand off.  Everybody clear?" Rick asked looking around at everyone.

Nodding Rick told everyone to climb into their designated vehicles.  

Maggie, Glenn, Hershel, Beth, and Judith followed behind Daryl with Merle and Carol in the pickup truck and Rick, Carl, and Michonne in the suburban.  The caravan headed out making the twenty minute trek that would lead them away far enough from the prison and then back again taking them into the north woods of the prison.

Once the cars were hidden amongst the trees with branches and brush thrown over them the group minus Hershel, Carl, and Beth who had Judith prepared to reenter the prison from the backside where they had worked to clear and block walkers from entering the day before.

Beth was rocking Judith when Daryl approached her, "Alright, you guys are going to hear stuff you have to stay here no matter what," he warned her.

Nodding she ensured him, she understood, "No one should run this way as we'll be pushing them back out the front but keep your head up," he reminded her.  

Smiling Beth took his hand, "Daryl we'll be fine.  I'm going to stay right here till you come back for me, promise," she said linking their fingers together.  Staring at her he finally nodded, "Just figured you'd give me a hard time staying out here," he told her quietly.

Shrugging Beth bit her lip, "I don't like being around it.  Don't get me wrong I'll do what I have to to keep my family safe but I don't want to," she responded.  

Leaning his forehead against hers Daryl brushed her hair behind her ear, "You're too good for this world, for me."  Shaking her head she kissed him, "Don't say that," she muttered.  

"Hey yo Loverboy let's go," Merle called where the rest of the group was preparing to go back to the prison.  Pulling back Beth smiled, "I was just telling Daryl that if a stray bullet hit your ass Merle I'd be okay with it," she called winking at the laughing man.  

"Don't get him started," Daryl muttered before kissing her one last time, "I'll be back."

It felt like it took forever before they heard the flash grenades going off in the tombs and screaming.  Handing Judith to her father Beth and Carl stood by the car watching the woods around them.  

Beth heard the frantic running before Carl did, "Heads up," she muttered bringing her crossbow up.  Moving around the car with Carl beside her Beth sighted the boy running through the woods, "Ben, don't move," she called recognizing the boy from when Tyreese and his group came to the prison.

Stumbling to a stop Ben held his hands up along with the rifle he held, "Please don't shoot," he pleaded terrified.  "Put the gun down," she commanded, "Carl get the gun," she whispered once the boy laid down the rifle.  

Scurrying over Carl picked up the gun and brought it over to Beth.  "There are zip ties in Daryl's bag on the bike, grab them," she instructed Carl, never taking her eyes off the boy in front of her, "Ben, get on your knees."

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