Chapter Two: The Fight on the Beach

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I could not stop thinking about that night with Tybalt or that kiss. I was thinking about it as I left the party, I thought about it when I passed on my bed when I got home, I thought about it as me and Mercutio looked for Romeo, and I thought about it as me and Mercutio hung out at East Shore beach. And yet despite all that thinking I still had no idea what to think about him and what happened. In and out of school he always was in a or trying to start a fight, but yesterday he the other day he seemed so calm and sweet, and I would be lying to myself if I said my heart wasn't a flutter when we kissed. What am I going to do.

When I had woken up after the party I had received a drunken text from Tybalt meant for Romeo. It was foul and vulgar and called for my cousin and our best friends blood. I forwarded it to Romeo but must admit I was a little hurt when I realized he indeed had no idea who I was and that the next time I see him there will be just as much hate in his eyes as that morning two days ago when the police had to separate us and our staff from killing each other.

"Come on Mercutio, lets go home. It's so hot out and this beach is to close to the Capulet's house for my comfort. I don't want to start another fight, and it is so hot I feel like I'm going to pass out."

I am wearing regular swim trunks and a tropical inspired beach shirt unbuttoned while Mercutio is wearing only a pair of bagging denim shorts with pockets filled with god knows what, and a pair of silver sunglasses. His dark skin glistening in the late afternoon sun, while mine only freckles and burns. I really just want to go home.

"Benny, you are like one of those guys that enters a bar, puts your gun down on the table and says 'God sent me this, but I have no need for it' but by the second drink you fire it at the first person that ticks you off."

This shocked me, I have been in fights, but I haven't started one since I was 14. I am constantly trying to stop the fighting, Mercutio must really be succumbing to the heat.

"Am I really like that?"

"It's fine, you are just as hot headed as an buff Italian in New Haven, and are often soft and quick to throw a punch."

As I slowly start walking Mercutio towards the parking lot he starts rambling and monologuing. He often gives random speeches but this one is clearly heat induced and I can hardly follow along. We are just about to walk up the dune path when I see Tybalt and his gang coming over it. He is wearing black skinny jeans and sunglasses similar to Mercutio's, and is shirtless like Mercutio but is wearing one of his leather jacket like a cape. I gulp as I realize that I am staring and that we are probably in danger right now.

"Oh no, It's the Capulets."

Almost drunkenly Mercutio responds.

"By my foot I don't care."

"Guys, follow me, I'm going to teach those guys a lesson. Hey you two! I want a word with one of you."

Before I can respond Mercutio does for me.

"Oh yeah, and which of us would that be, huh?! Or is it another fight you want?"

He snarled at Mercutio.

"You will do just fine, and I can fight you if that is what you want!"

"I'd like to see you try."

I just look between the too, Mercutio is not right in the head and could probably kill him. However Tybalt stands his ground and it is Mercutio who approaches to converse with him.

"Mercutio, you are Romeo's best friend, are you not?"

"Friends we are indeed, best of mates him and I, we are much closer to each other than you Tybalt will ever be with anyone you prince of cats."

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