Chapter Three: Awakening

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(POV Tybalt)

The first thought that came to me that I remember thinking as I started gaining consciousness was that I was cold, and that there was buzzing in my ears. I wanted to adjust my blankets to get warmer but strangely I could barely seem to move my fingers, and only on one arm. These symptoms didn't alarm me as much as they should have normally, but I felt surprisingly zen, a little bit like how I feel on weed. The real panic started when I couldn't really move anything, including my eyelids.

The first thing I thought was am I dead, but I could tell I was breathing and I could with a lot of effort move my right hand fingers and all of my toes, so death didn't seem likely. But as I slowly remembered the fight, and the head injury I suffered another possibly came to me, I was in a coma. I was in a coma and could not wake up. My heart started racing, and I started hyperventilating, which put me suddenly in excruciating pain which brought me out of my state and finally with my new found adrenaline I managed to open my eyes.

They wouldn't focus at first, with a lot of effort I slowly opened and closed them until finally I could see clearly again. Well, mostly, my right eyes was painfully sore and was not opening properly, but I could see out of it. I was in a white room with dimmed lights, and I was in a bed that was not my own.

Blinking a few more times I could see that my left arm was in a cast and that the right was hooked up to an IV. I must be in a hospital. I turn my head from left to right, it hurts but it is possible, I see that I'm in a small room with only a window and chair beside the medical equipment I am hooked up too.


My voice is raspy and doesn't sound like my own, slowly as I talk it starts sounding more familiar.

"Is anyone out there? Nurse? Doctor? Juliet?"

I kept calling out, minutes pass and finally a woman in scrubs comes in.

"Your are awake Mr Conti. How do you feel?"

"Sore, my eye and ribs hurt, but I also feel extremely odd in general."

"Oh, that will be the morphine, now that you are awake I'll reduce the levels a little."

Thinking slightly clearer I only had one question on my mind.

"How is Mercurio Prince, is he alive?"

"I can't give his medical information to you, but yes, he is alive."

I literally sighed in relief.

"That is good to hear, I feared I had killed him. Where is my cousin, where are my parents?"

"I'm not sure sweetie. A man came in a couple hours ago to pay for your expenses, but he left shortly after. Can I get you anything?"

My heart sank a little. Although it hurt that my parents only came to pay for me, I still saw that coming, but Juliet, knowing her she would be by my bedside the entire time, something must have happened.

"Um yes, did I arrive with my phone?"

"Oh yes dear, it's on this side table over here. Here you go."

She laid it on my chest. I pick it up with my right arm and shakily go into my messages. There are a couple get well texts from some people I know from school, but nothing from Juliet. In fact she hasn't texted me in over 3 days which is unlike her. I just write her a little message as the nurse leaves.

'Hey Juls, I am up. I am sore but alive. I haven't heard from you, everything good?'

Just as I hit send I notice a head of blonde hair look into my room, and then immediately pop back out. Despite the drugs I believe I know who it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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