Chapter One: The Party

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Main Cast:

Benvolio Montague 17

Tybalt Conti 18

Romeo Montague 16

Juliet Capulet nearly 14

Mercutio Prince 19

Escalus Prince 45

County Paris 14

POV Benvolio:

It had been a good night so far, I had lost track of Romeo but I didn't care, he could handle himself and he had seemed happy when I last saw him. I had been enjoying myself, something I had been having trouble doing the last few months. It might have something to do with the great music, that it was a masquerade, or because of the punch Mercutio spiked, most likely a combination of all three. The mask defiantly helped, for this one night I felt I could be myself, that I didn't have to worry about my family thinking I am not responsible or masculine enough. I danced in the ridiculous way that I enjoyed and was even getting some people cheering me on when out of the corner of my eye I notice a dark figure coming towards me fast.

I turn and see someone with black hair, a dark navey blue bejewled mask, and pitch black cape coming in my direction. I take a step back to get out of there path but just as they are about to pass me they trip over there own feet and fall right on there face.


"Oh my goodness, are you ok?"

He manages to roll over and I realise that whoever this is he has had way more to drink than me and that I should take him out of trampling range. The dance floor of the Capulets was surround by decretive curtains and on the other side were benches, I decided to try to get him over there.

"Do you need help up?"


He put out his hand and I take it. He has a strong, firm grip. When I take it I get my first look into his eyes behind the mask, his eyes are crystal blue with black eyeliner around said eyes, they are soft but familiar.

I pull him up and guide him by the hand through the curtains and sit him down on the wooden bench.

"Are you sure you are ok, do you have any friends here I can get?"

He shakes his head, and than speaks.

"No, my uncle is mad at me. He was yelling at and insulting me and if he sees me he'll probably get me through out."

With horror I finally realize why I recognized his eyes. I am staring into the eyes of my family's sworn enemy's nephew, Tybalt Conti. Only that morning, instead of helping me break up a fight between our families staffs, he attacked me and we had exchanged blows until Captain Escalus Prince showed up and let us off on a warning. He gave me a black and blue bruised face and I just helped him to a safe place.

I am about to leave and get as far from him as possible when words I didn't think possible come out of his mouth.

"Thank you, by the way, without your help I probably would have been trampled."

I had never heard Tybalt be polite before, not at GHS, and certainly not outside of school. The alcohol must have really changed him for the moment. This gratitude catches me off guard and I turn back around to face him. I just say the first this that comes to mind.

"Um, you are welcome."

He looks me up and down, with the mask it is hard for me to tell if he realized who I was, if he is trying to figure out if I'm trust worthy, checking me out, or something else. I just stand there, thinking about leaving again when he finally speaks.

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