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The twelve remaining teens and Stingray all crammed into one cabin. Miguel was pacing around the room, trying to figure out what the hell they were going to do. There was no way to leave and no way to call for help. The nearest town was at least ten to fifteen miles away and it would take hours and even then, the town seemed rundown when they had passed through it. Who even knew if they had phone reception? It seemed like there was nothing they could do except stay at the campsite and wait to be killed off one by one. There was just no way they could let that happen. There had to be something they could do, but even when they put all of their heads together, they were still at a loss of a solid plan. After an hour of trying to come up with something to do, the only logical and reasonable solution that wouldn't get them all killed was to attempt to walk into town. It was going to take at least three hours, but what other option did they have?

"So, who wants to walk into town and see if we can call for help?" Miguel asked. "There was a gas station right when we entered the town. Maybe if a few of us can walk up there we can ask to use their phone."

"Oh yeah, go to the creepy, rundown gas station that looks like it hasn't been in business for years and ask the owner for help," Tory said. "Real smart idea, Diaz."

"What do you suggest we do then, Tory?" Miguel asked. "Just stay cooped up in this cabin and do nothing? If the killer doesn't murder us, we can just die of starvation!"

"We're going to starve?" Nathaniel asked.

"No," Sam responded. "No one is going to starve."

"Sam's right. No one is going to starve," Miguel said. "We can't let that happen, but first we need to work on getting help. Any volunteers to walk into town?"

No one raised their hand or spoke up. They didn't dare to volunteer. If they were being honest, they were all too scared. They fear that the second they walked out that door, the killer would jump out at them and slaughter them one by one. It seemed unlikely to happen, but could anyone really blame them? Bert was already dead and their senseis probably were too. They had every right to not want to step foot out of the cabin.

"I'll go," Doug spoken up. "You know, since no one else wants to."

"Yeah," Mikey said. "Me too."

"Okay, anyone else?" Miguel asked.

"Why don't you go?" Tory asked. "Since you're so set on the idea."

"Are you kidding?" Miguel asked. "I'm the most level-headed one out of all of us. Someone has to stay here and man the fort."

Tory scoffed. "Man the fort? Are you kidding me right now?"

"Shut up!" Sam said, putting a stop to their argument before pointing to Doug and Mikey. "Someone else go to keep those two in check."

Doug and Mikey looked at her with an offended look on their faces. She did have a point though. They weren't exactly the most competent ones in the group and Doug wasn't sure about Mikey, but he had absolutely no sense of direction whatsoever. He'd be lost before he even left the campsite and he had been asleep the entire bus ride so he had no idea what gas station Miguel was even talking about.

"I can go," Robby said. "I remember where the gas station was."

"Great, anyone else?" Miguel asked, but no one else volunteered. "You three go then. Robby, make sure these idiots don't get themselves killed."

"You got it, Diaz," Robby said, standing up and walking towards the door.

Doug and Mikey followed after him. Robby took a deep breath before opening the door and walking out. He looked around outside the cabin to make sure the killer wasn't in sight before stepping off the porch. Doug and Mikey followed him and the three boys walked towards the exit of the campsite. They were still terrified to be leaving the group, but if they could find a way to call for help or get the hell out of here, then they were more than willing to take it. The remainder of the group that stayed behind waited for them to return and prayed that the trip wouldn't be a total waste of time.

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