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The next morning, Stingray's body had been found. The group had gone to their cabins to gather their belongings and when Mitch, Chris, and Nathaniel entered their shared cabin, there he was just laying on the floor. They both screamed, causing the rest of the group to come running towards them. They all stared at the body. None of them had ever seen so much blood before. It was like someone had taken a chainsaw right to his stomach. There was a pool of blood surrounding him and his intestines practically laid on the floor next to him. Nathaniel ran to the side of the cabin and threw up. He didn't understand how anyone could have the stomach to do something like that. Nathaniel had never been able to watch horror movies. They terrified him to the point where he used to go and crawl into bed with his parents at night. Even the thought of scary movies terrified him and now, he had not only watched his best friend get murder right in front of him, but he had also seen someone's insides.

All Nathaniel wanted to do was go home and hug his mom, but he had no way to leave and he had no doubts that he was going to end up getting murdered just like everyone else. He was smaller than they were. He wasn't the fastest runner or even that good of a fighter. He barely even knew how to throw a proper punch. Nathaniel was honestly surprised that he had managed to make it this far, but he wasn't sure just how much longer he could take it. He wasn't sure how much longer he could manage to survive. Out of the remaining teens, he was the weakest link and he knew that. It would only be a matter of time before whoever the killer was decided to take him out. It was sad to say, but Nathaniel was counting down the seconds until he would be the next victim.

After the shock of Stingray's body had warn off, they all left the cabin and continued to gather their things. Chris, Mitch, and Nathaniel tried their hardest to walk around Stingray the best they could without stepping in his blood. No one had dared to move the body. They had all been scared to and honestly, who could blame them? As soon as they were done collecting everything, the three boys turned to exit the cabin, but were stopped in their tracks when Mitch noticed someone strange standing in front of the steps.

"Oh shit," Mitch said.

"What?" Chris asked, looking out the window and seeing the masked figure standing in front of their cabin.

Mitch shut the door as fast as he could, but he was no use. The masked killer had stuck their foot in the doorway, blocking it from closing. The door was pushed open and there was nowhere for the three boys to go. Nathaniel backed into the corner as Mitch and Chris went in opposite directions of the room. The killer stood by the door, not allowing them any way to leave. They started to slowly approach Chris until his back was pressed against the wall of the cabin. He had nowhere else to turn and before he knew it, a knife was being pushed right into his abdomen and pulled right back out. The killer stabbed him a second time, making sure to twist the knife before pulling it out. Chris clutched his stomach before falling to his knees. He collapsed onto the ground with a thud.

Nathaniel gasped and tried to move, but he couldn't. All he could seem to do was back himself farther into the corner. Seeing that the killer was currently distracted by Nathaniel, Mitch took the opportunity to run for the door. He thought he had managed to make it out, but before he could take one step out the door in front of him stood another masked figure. Mitch looked back and forth between the two killers. All this time they had thought there had just been one, but there was two. It didn't make any sense. Mitch took notice of how the killer in front of him was slightly smaller than the other one. He thought that he could easily try and push past them, but when he tried to, the killer had grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He fell to the ground. He tried to get back up, but was kicked back down. The killer stood over him and then bent down in front of him. They raised the knife in the air before quickly bringing it back down and thrusting it into his chest not once, not twice, but three times.

1980s HORROR FILM ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now