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Run. That was the only word in Tory, Miguel, and Demetri's minds. Just run and no matter what you do, don't stop running. Demetri had never ran so fast in his life and he no plans of stopping. He didn't care how out of breath his was, being brutally murdered was not how he wanted to die. No matter how tired, no matter how hard it was to breathe, just keep running and don't look back. Never, ever, look back. But of course, someone had to fail, right? Not everyone can make it to the end. Tory ran ahead, Miguel and Demetri followed close behind her. Sam was close behind them, more pissed off than ever. This wasn't going to be over until they were all dead and Sam was going to make sure of that.

Tory turned her head to look over her shoulder as Miguel and Demetri passed her. That was a huge mistake. As if it were another stupid cliché, Tory tripped over a tree branch. She tried to stand up, but her ankle was twisted.

"Tory!" Miguel said, running back to help her.

"Just go!" Tory said, smacking Miguel's hand away.

"I can't just leave you," Miguel said.

"Miguel, go," Tory said.

Miguel looked straight ahead. Sam was quickly approaching. He turned to his right to see Demetri had continued running. Miguel quickly looked down at Tory. As much as he didn't want to leave her and he knew that there was a high possibility she wasn't going to make it, Miguel started running. He hated leaving Tory behind and as awful as he sounded, he wasn't going to stick around and get murdered. But Tory is tough. She can handle herself, right? Miguel sure hoped so.

Tory watched as Miguel started running away from her to catch up to Demetri. Tory tried to get up on her feet. She finally managed to stand up and attempted to run. Her ankle felt like it was on fire as she limped, but she still kept trying to run. Tory didn't even know why she bothered. There was no way she could run with a twisted ankle, but she wasn't going to give up. She couldn't give up. Tory Nichols doesn't give up. Ever. She kept trying to tell herself that, but the more she tried to run, the more her ankle throbbed in pain.

Just as Tory thought she had begun to maintain a steady enough pace; her ankle completely gave out on her and she fell the ground. She didn't have enough time to get back up on her feet before Sam was standing in front of her. Sam kneeled down as Tory tried scooting back. This was not the way she wanted to die. She was no about to be the girl who tripped and sprained her ankle. She was the girl who fought tooth and nail to make it to the end and did whatever it took—even if it meant sacrificing her friends—to survive. She didn't trip over tree branches like some blonde, big-breasted bimbo. Tory Nichols was a survivor and there was nothing that could bring her down. There was no way in hell Sam LaRusso of all people was going to be the cause of her downfall.

But, as much as she wished it was, luck was not on Tory's side. Noticing that Tory's ankle was injured, Sam used it to her advantage. She grabbed Tory's ankle and pressed down on it, causing Tory to scream. Tory tried to wiggle free, but it was no use.

"Poor, Tory," Sam said. "You thought you'd be the final girl, didn't you? How pathetic."

"You're the pathetic one," Tory said to her.

"You really want to say that to the girl with a knife in her hand?" Sam asked. "Not a smart move."

"If you wanna kill me so bad, then why don't you just do it?" Tory asked. "Stop talking so damn much and get it over with."

Sam gripped the knife in her hand tighter. Tory waited for Sam to come closer to her. The second that Sam tried to stab her, Tory grabbed her arm and twisted it. Sam dropped the knife and Tory quickly grabbed it. She got up on her hands and knees. Sam grabbed her ankle again, pulling her back. Tory screamed, but still clutched the knife in her hand. There was no way in hell she was about to let go.

1980s HORROR FILM ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now