A/N: Im so sorry for dieing- this will be the last chapter and i hope you all enjoy thankyou for reading. Also apologies for any spelling mistakes this was rushed-
TW: none! All fluff and memories
Only Virgil and Remus new about Logan's secret. Yet they could never turn him back the way he was. It was heartbreaking for virgil and he wanted his old Lo back, but soon to grow used to Lo being the cat he was. Nothing really changed, he still had his blank like personality and smarts.
They went everywhere with Logan and soon he was all grown up again no kitten just a thin black cat with beautiful galaxy eyes that made Virgil relax everytime he looked into them. Virgil and Logan's bond grew closer and they where inseparable.
Remus was already used to Logan's smarts, but still found it confusing he was right about the whole reincarnation thing. Logan practically ran the apartment and when all of them moved in with Janus in his house he took over the place like it was his own mansion.
Present time:
Virgil lay face down on the floor he had finally gotten a break from the others and laying on his floor was a habit now. Logan slinked his way over to Virgil and stretched infront of him with a purr. Rolling on his stomach and resting against Virgil as he sighed happily.
"Why do you always make my day better Lo?" Virgil asked sarcastically.
He sat up on his knees and looked down at Logan. Logan spun around and stood up. He jumped up onto Virgils lap and leaned forward rubbing his face against Virgil purring happily. Virgil hummed and picked Logan up as he got onto his feet.
"I bet you've been sleeping all day as usual?" Virgil laughs.
Logan meows in response and nuzzles Virgils neck. Virgil takes a seat on his bed and pats Logan's head, kissing it aswell. As much affection as possible for the both of them. It was still Logan, Virgil was more than happy to snuggle his Cat. His Logan.
Logan curled up agaisnt logans chest as Virgil put a movie on. He softly ran his hand through Logan's soft fur slowly drifting off to sleep along with Logan. This was Logan's life now and he appreciated every moment. Every sad, happy angry moment. There would be no way he would become his old self and he has found out he was happier ad a cat and he felt better knowing atleast Virgil and Remus knew that it was him.
Awhile later Logan felt himself being carried he slowly opened his eyes and saw Remus carrying him along side Virgil who had his arms in his jacket pockets. Logan jumped up onto Remus's shoulder suprisling him at the sudden movement. Logan curled up around his neck and looked around. They seemed to be walking to the mall and there is noway they would if left Logan at home, they never do wheither hes sleeping or not Logan goes everywhere with them. Its always been that way even when they where kids, before any of this happened Vrigil and logan where always by each overs side.
Logan decided Virgil would be more comfy cause he could hide in his hood. So he did just that, jumping over to Virgils shoulder and sliding into his hoodie turning it into a sleepimg black abyss. Remus and Virgil laughed at that. Logan slept alot as a cat and Remus said he was catching up on all his late nighters.
"So emo nightmare, hot topic or?"
" Y e s " was all virgil could say.
Remus laughed and ruffled the shorter males hair as Logan slept peacfully in Virgil's hood.
Everything was better than it could ever be. They where all happy again.
♡ The end ♡
Reincarnation? // analogical love story//
RomanceLogan dies from a terrible accident, but comes back as a black cat, only guessing to him is reincarnation. Surprisingly after a long journey he finds himself in the care of Virgil one of his best friends, but he doesnt know he is Logan. This is bas...