wattpadd won't let me put my title

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wattpadd is a pathetic piece of shit that has an 80 character limit to titles which is total fucking bullshit so here's the actual title: god DAMNIT why can't authors just let their characters get PUNCHED i'm SO SICK of the love interest just SWOOPING IN and PREVENTING IT

i posted this as a one-shot on ao3 mostly because ao3 lets me put summaries and the summary is funny as fuck (at least to my tired brain) so i'm just gonna copy paste it here

I was reading a good ol' manhwa a bit ago, and the story was pretty interesting! I liked it! And I got so excited when the main character's ass was about to get beat, because we all love angst and hurt/comfort. but NO. the mother fucking love interest just SWOOPED HIS ASS IN and STOPPED THE PUNCH MIDAIR. mother fucker WHAT? is this high school boyfriend a top league wrestler with pipes bigger than your skull? eat dick and learn realism, your pussy ass boyfriend from high school couldn't do shit against bullies because they're fucking TEENAGERS how do y'all forget that shit jesus christ. just LET THEM GET PUNCHED

it's literally just tom getting punched. fuck off 

Tom hated high school.

oOoOhH, it's the best years of your life! the adults around him would constantly croon like some kind of fucked up mocking bird. Great! What's that song by Danny Gonzalez? "Downhill?" Yeah, that exactly. If high school was the best years of his life, God forbid he doesn't die by the end of college.

You might wonder why he hates high school, besides the whole "I had a breakdown because my parents screamed at me for not being advanced at math."

Well, God once again swooped in and decided to make his school situation worse than anything else. People would never leave him the fuck alone. Weak as shit mostly due to his executive dysfunction and crippling asthma, the kids chose him as an easy target. For the most part, it stayed verbal. However, if he talked back too much, it didn't stay that way.

A smack to the back of his head startled him out of his thoughts, causing him to nearly drop his pencil. The smack itself didn't hurt, but it stayed hard enough for Tom to know what it meant.

"Hey, Tommy," Eduardo drawled, and Tom couldn't suppress his eye roll. He knew better, though, and let his head lay low as his shoulders hunched.


Mark placed his elbow on Tom's desk, crumpling up his worksheet. "You owe us a favor, right?" he asked, Eduardo leaning over Tom. Had Tom not sat next to the window, where the afternoon sun shone inside the classroom, Eduardo's shadow would have loomed over him like some sort of fucked up sundial.

What for? Tom thought to himself as he found himself avoiding their gazes... and someone else's. Passed them, someone's eyes bore into him with teeth glinting and claws sharpened.

"Well, we figured you could grab us a couple of drinks!" Mark said, pulling back as Eduardo hooked an arm around Tom's neck, causing him to shrink away. His eyes widened as he silently cursed at himself.

"I'll take a--"

"I didn't bring money today," Tom blurted out, and found his cheeks starting to heat up. "I-I'm sorry, I must've forgotten..."

"How do you forget to bring money?" Eduardo huffed as he motioned for Mark to grab Tom's bag. "Unless you plan to starve yourself... which, to be fair, you might need."

Tom tried to swallow the lump in his throat as Mark searched through his bag for his wallet, fucking up the order he had in the bag. Eduardo watched intently as Mark clicked his tongue.

"Looks like he's finally trying to lose some weight," Mark said as he dropped the bag carelessly, causing Tom's binders to spill out. Tom stared at the mess, gritting his teeth.

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