Tales Of SH. 3- Red Eyes

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This Tale Takes Place September 9th, 2019. The Incident doesn't happen later on because Kyran became corrupted during April 2019.

(The Last Tale That Includes The Original Nicole)

His eyes were once blue. He didn't understand at first why his eyes turned red. He was really scared when he saw in the mirror a demon looking back at him.

He had no idea what to do and was freaking out. He then calmed down and took a breath. He left the room and called to meet up with his friends.

They all were waiting for him at the park. They were by the tree they always hung out at.

He looked down when he came up to them and said "Hey, I got something to show you all."

They looked at him interested in what he had to show.

He looked up at them. His red eyes visible to everyone's eyes. Nicole jumped back and looked at Melissa, sweating.

Everyone else got scared at first at the fearful fright of red eyes looking at them.

"What happened to your eyes..? Weren't they... uh.. Blue?" asked Kay.

He looked at her, sighing. "Yes they were, I guess something involving my Aura had changed."

Nicole looked at him, a bit nervous to face the evil looking red eyes. "Mind activating your ability so i know what we're working with here?"

Kyran powered up and a red colored aura displayed. He summoned in his iconic spears and they were no longer blue. Instead, They were now red.

Nicole awkwardly laughed at the sight. "And you said that you were a Level 5.1 a few months ago? You might want to recheck that with Doc..."

"I'll tell you guys more tomorrow then! I'll go check right now!" He said a bit excited.

Nicole and the others waved. "Yeah bye, Just don't scare Doc, Ha!"

The Following Day...

Kyran walked up to them again at the same spot as yesterday.

Nicole stepped towards him. "So? How'd it go?"

Kyran scratched the back of his head. "It went...well! I learned i have a different ability name and level now too."

Leslie asked "What is the name?"

Kay added on. "and what's your new level?"

"I'm the Level 7.4 Dark Ultra user! Doc joked around saying if i went corrupt or something months ago, I'd  be a higher level and max out the experience of my ability quicker!" Kyran said to them.

Nicole smiled. "So I'm just called the Ultra user so uh... Why do you get different Variants of Ultra while i can't even maintain a copied ability!"

Kyran's expression turned to an emotionless smile. "It's cuz ya suck."

Nicole deadpanned at his response. She tried to slap him but he evaded her attempt.

"Too slow!" He said in his playful tone.

Nicole sighed heavily and turned to Jennifer. "Jennifer, Calm down your pet since he only listens to you!"

Jennifer looked towards Kyran. "Kyran stop!" She said, commanding him.

He looked at Jennifer and sat down immediately. "Yes ma'am!"

Nicole pointed at him. "See Jennifer?! He listens to you!"

Kyran looked at her, all chilled out. "Hey, you better calm down. If i activate my ability, it's over for you." he said while laughing.

Nicole looked irritated. Jennifer giggled. "It's okay child, Don't be salty he won't listen to you."

Shattered 3: Time SwitchWhere stories live. Discover now