Did you just?

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As start walking over the bridge as quick as I could, I turn around seeing the masked man wasnt that far away from me. He slashed his knife as I
quickly ducked down, as i'm running for my life across this bridge i feel a tug at the back of the rope connecting the bridge together, I turn around and see the masked man dangling off the bride holding onto the rope. As i quickly feel a slight hint of happiness out of no where he quickly gets back up onto the bridge and starts running over to me. As i make it to the end of the bridge to the building I suddenly realized i was trapped and there was nothing i could do. I mean I have no idea how to get out of this situation he's the only one with an actual weapon here. As the masked man got closer and closer to me I closed my eyes accepting defeat when suddenly i hear gunshots going off. I opened my eyes and see a police officer standing over the dead masked man.

I'm a bit surprised because i didn't expect to see a police officer here in this weird reality, i quickly walked over to him and say "Thank you I don't know what would've happened if you didn't get here!". Out of nowhere another officer come out from behind him as he says "Your welcome I don't know what would've happened if I didn't get here either". As he finished putting his gun away, he drags the dead body to the edge of the building and throws it off. As I watched him throw it off I was a little surprised I mean he shot him more then 3 times, I was sure that he was dead but i guess you could never be too sure what would happen.

I turn my head up after a couple seconds and see the officer that helped me was getting pushed off the building? I look at the other officer in shock as I just saw what had happened, "....Did you just" I say barely mumbling it out as loud as I could so the other officer could hear me. He starts laughing in a creepy way as he pulls out his gun and walks over to me saying "Strip or I won't hesitate". After a couple seconds of everything being quiet he starts yelling at me telling me to take my shirt off, I start thinking that this is better than dying so I start taking off my shirt only revealing my bra,(embarrassing) He starts smiling even more then he was before as he says "Now take off your skirt." As i look at him for a couple seconds I start taking my skirt off thinking everything could be worse. Before I could pull my whole skirt down I see light flickering, I look over to the other building and see a sniper with a mask? As I quickly pull my skirt back up while backing away as the officer says "What the hell are you doing do you wanna die!" As he starts getting closer to me a bullet goes through his head. I watch him fall to the ground, I look back up to see the sniper walking away. I was surprised to see what had just happened, aren't masks supposed to kill you and not pedophiles? After a couple minutes of thinking I pick up the gun the officer had and start making my way over to the other bridge.

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