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I wake up and see sniper mask sitting at a table not to far from the bed with some food next to him, even thought he's told me his full name i'm more used to sticking with sniper mask. I noticed him glance over at me while I was shifting positions trynna get up "I've left some food here if your hungry." I look at him and notice a crack on his mask but choose to ignore it "Thanks i'm starving" I reply back. While I finish up the food I suggest we should head out and explore some more, he agrees while we leave the room and head for the roof. When we get there we see a girl with blonde hair fighting a mask, It looks skinny and his appearance looks like he could barely land a hit but as I payed more attention I saw the girl had some cuts and was bleeding a bit, I pull out my gun and shoot it in the knee so it stumbles and the girl finishes it off. She looks at us at and starts heading for us quickly, after a couple seconds I realize that she's heading towards sniper mask who is right behind me. I step in from of him "Wait stop!" She stops and just stares "He won't hurt us he's on our side." After a couple minutes talking it out with her she agrees that she won't hurt him I ask her for her name "It's Mayuko Nise" I smile and say "Can I call u Mayu?" She looks away and says yes. I ask her if she would like to come with us while we go to the middle and she agrees and I thank her since it has been a while since i've seen another girl around here who isn't a mask, but through out the whole thing sniper mask hasn't really said much he only said that he would agree to not hurt her and that's pretty much it. I'm guessing he's just in shock or something but he let her come with us so i'm sure he's ok.

Authors Note-
Should I make the reader have a love triangle with someone or a new character or keep it between Sniper mask?

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