3 beds

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After we all introduce ourselves I suggest that he should come along with us since the more the merrier you know and everyone agrees but I could notice Sniper mask hesitating for a moment but I shrug it off thinking maybe he's tired and isn't really thinking right now.

After a couple minutes of discussing how we would travel we started walking for about 20 minutes then decided to rest but I couldn't help but thinking back to Sniper mask. The way he hesitated a while ago makes me feel concerned for him and my mind also starts to drift off to marco but I quickly shrug it off so I could pay attention to my surroundings in case something tries to sneak up on us.

As the sun starts to set Mayu points at a grey building near by and suggests we should sleep in there after clearing it out and checking for masks. I agree and say it's a great idea and quickly start walking over the bridges so I could get to the building since I was exhausted and needed sleep right away. Luckily for us there was only one weak mask in the building that Sniper mask quickly finished off before it got the chance to attack us. We searched around the top floor and only noticed 3 rooms, me and Rika tried heading down to the other floors through the stair case but the door was jammed. No matter how hard we tried it wouldn't budge, I said it was fine and that one of us would just have to sleep with someone else but it wouldn't be that uncomfortable since the beds were pretty big. As we all met up again and discussed our sleeping arrangements. Mayu suggested that I sleep with Sniper mask since we've known each other longer and Rika started laughing but as I quickly looked at him he got quiet. I didn't get what was funny but didn't think much of it since it's late and we've been walking for hours so maybe he's hallucinating. Mayu had a good point though but it would make more sense if both the girls slept together but didn't question her incase she felt uncomfortable sleeping with someone else. I turn to Sniper mask and ask if it's okay that we sleep on the same bed but he just stares at me for a couple of seconds with his emotionless mask, sometimes I wish I could tell what he's thinking but my thoughts trail off as he says yes if it's okay with me. I say i'm fine with it and it doesn't matter much since all I want is to sleep on a nice confortable bed. He laughs a little and then walks away into one of the rooms while saying good night to the other two. I turn to them as well and say goodnight before heading off into the room ready to finally get some rest after a long day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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