A new person

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After what felt like hours trying to defeat this mask I finally got him, i'm not gunna lie he was pretty strong for someone as small as him i'm guessing he was about 5,5 at most I mean it's not like I could go up to him and ask how tall he was in the middle of our fight. As i'm walking across another bridge I hear a loud yell, I look to my left and see a guy on one of the buildings. I start making my way over to him as quick as I could while taking a closer look at him to make sure he wasn't a mask, as I get closer and closer to him I starting thinking about how this is the first time i've seen another person here. When I finally reach the top of the building I see a mask holding him near the edge, I run to him as quick as I could and quickly push the mask away from him and preventing him getting thrown off. He starts to thank me when I hear loud foot steps I turn around and shot the mask in the head, im not gunna lie that was pretty cool. I start dragging the body and throwing it off the edge just to make sure it doesn't magically come back alive, then all of a sudden I feel a pair of arms wrapping around me. I look at the boy and see how hard he was crying, I start to comfort him while asking him questions. He said he barely got here yesterday and him surviving a mask attack yesterday was a miracle but i'm pretty sure it's just because he's a pretty fast runner. I get up from sitting on the ground and tell him that he can come with me while i'm searching the buildings for my friend, a smile appears on his face as he quickly responded with a simple "Ok"

As we start making our way across bridges I ask where he came from, what his favorite food was and what were his interests, he said his name was Marco and that he thinks about himself as a pretty simple guy, he's the same age as me and from some of the stories he's been telling me he got bullied a lot while he was in school. At one point in our conversation he said it was a gift that he came here and how he could finally get away from all the people that treated him wrong, I felt kinda bad about his situation not knowing it was that serious. I told him everything would be ok and that I would protect him if any danger comes our way, he quickly thanked me again while telling me how nice I was for protecting him. As we were getting deeper in our conversation a mask suddenly appears from around the corner, I tell Marco to stay behind me while I finish off this mask. From the masks appearance it looked pretty weak so I had a good chance of defeating it, As I take out my gun trying to shoot them they quickly slap it out of my hand and pin me on the ground. They were holding my wrists so hard I thought they would break off, I feel a cold metal near my stomach when I remember that Marco was here, I yell out to him "Marco pass me my gun quick" as I try to kick away the mask with my feet. I hear a laugh come from behind me and turn my head back to see Marco waking past me and the gun while saying "Sorry but your on your own for this one, I did have a pretty good time hanging with out you tho."

I start realizing what just happened, I start letting my anger out by calling him ruthless and a backstabber, he takes one look back at me and waved as he walks away, i'm so angry at him right how could he do this to me? Even after I told him I would protect him and stay by his side? I bet he was lying about the bullying and the hard life he's been having too, well for all I care he could be lying about everything he's ever said too. As I start putting more and more of my attention on Marco I remember that I had a mask on me and how Marco got me in this situation on the first place. I quickly kick the mask off and push it off the building, I get my gun and make my way to Marco making sure he cant hear me. I quickly go up to attack him when he puts a gun to my head, I was shocked but not surprised that he would pull something like this on me. He starts laughing while telling me how gullible I am, I get angrier and angrier at him as he talks on about how it was so easy to fool me and to gain my trust. I suddenly blurt out "Ill pull this trigger on you if you keep talking." He starts laughing even harder while grabbing my hand with extreme strength, soon enough the gun falls out my hand as I hear something pop in my hand. I can't believe it, did he actually break my hand with just a big squeeze? I'm not sure my hands broken but I know it hurts really bad.

He starts talking on about how weak I am and how I should say my goodbyes while I still can, I try to run away when he quickly grabs my hand, I start yelling out for someone near by to help me. After a couple minutes of silence I realize there's no one around to help me. As I hear him load the gun I hear a gun shot off, blood suddenly squirts on my face when I see Marco fall to the ground. I look up to see that familiar mask again, sniper mask.

I stare at him in shock when I remember about all the times he's saved me, I run up to hug him while telling him how grateful I am for him saving me again. I suddenly hear a deep calming voice say "It's no problem, i'd do anything for your safety." He then starts to wrap a bandage around my arm, I blush a little bit then after a bit of silence sniper mask tells me I can't be seen with him so I quickly run off while looking back to wave at him.

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