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As I was wandering around in buildings I ran into another mask, I was a little scared but not that much surprised, I mean from my guess there all over this place. As I was getting my gun out preparing to shoot it out of nowhere 4 more masks popped out. As I started running away I was second guessing my decision of going inside the building, just one look at those guys and you could obviously tell they where extremely strong not just because of their muscles their weapons too. As I made my way out to the top of the building there was a gigantic masked man almost 6,4 with a shiny katana.

As I took a moment to look at his tall figure he started charging at me, I quickly ran inside without thinking forgetting about the other masks inside. As I made my way down the flight of stairs I turn around to see the tall masked man chasing me not that far behind, I start running faster and faster until I see that i'm cornered. I quickly remember that I was originally running away from those other 5 masks, I stopped at the end of the hall shooting them countless of times only hitting one of them in the head, they all started getting closer and closer to me. Soon enough I ran out of amo, as I watched one of them point a gun at me I sighed in defeat while dropping my gun, then a short moment later I heard a gun shot.

I certainly knew I wasn't dead. I opened my eyes to see one of the masks lying on the ground, I look up and see all the masks attacking someone familiar. I really couldn't tell who it was since they had masks surrounding them all I could see was that they where wearing a suit of some sort. I quickly snapped back to reality realizing everything in this reality is about survival, I quickly grabbed the gun I dropped and ran out of there. But before I did I had a sudden feeling of curiosity, I quickly took a couple steps back to see that masked man again I once saw before. Sniper mask yeah I remember I gave him that name when he saved me last time, I didn't really expect to meet him again. He looked up at me when I quickly flashed a smile at him and ran off. I know I couldn't really see his face but I had a feeling he smiled back to.

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