(8) Comfort & Boyfriend

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(A/N) It's a quick note, if you're against the LGBTQ+ culture, this account is NOT a place for you. Kindly leave, and don't spread hate. x


"Because I'm gay."


(Harry's POV)

I just stood there, frozen. He's gay? Did he think that I'd not accept him and leave him as a friend? Just because he's gay? Which is, surely, neither a problem nor a reason to leave.

"Boo, you being gay doesn't change anything. It isn't even a reason to leave. I accept you as you are. Look at me." I say quietly, but clearly. 

He looks up from his lap, into my eyes.

"Louis, your sexuality, race, sex, or any other such thing doesn't define you. Your heart is what defines you. Have you ever taken a look at yourself in the mirror? What do you see? You are beautiful, inside out. When you look at yourself, you should see a gorgeously strong person, because that's what you are. You are one of the strongest person I know, Louis. You being gay doesn't change any of that. And for those who'll leave you just because you're gay, they don't deserve you. They don't deserve a pure heart like you. Just let them be. Focus on those who love you, and will stand by you no matter what. And never put yourself down, you're too pretty for that." I state as a matter of fact. 

Before I even blinked, I was pulled into a hug. 

I hug him back, tightly as ever. He nuzzles his face into my neck. I shiver when I get a warm, wet feeling on the upper side. 

It was Louis.

"T-Thank you so much, Haz. I w-was so scared. I love you, so much." He mumbles, being barely audible. 

"I love you too, boo. Don't be scared." I whisper softly into his hair. "Are you planning upon telling Liv, boo?" I ask out of curiosity.

He silently nods. "Should I do it right now?" 

"Yes, if you want to. I'm sure she'll be very happy." I assure him.


(Olivia's POV)

Harry and Louis are taking too long. Are they getting apple juice? Or making apples in the kitchen without letting me know?!

"Lou-" I prepare to yell, when I see them coming in the room. Harry had a smile on his face, which apparently looked like a proud-affectionate type of smile. Louis, on the other hand, looked like he just cried a river. His cheeks were red, eyes were puffy, and his face was flushed. But he also had a smile?

"What happened, Lou?" I ask concerningly. 

He comes and sits beside me on the sofa, Harry being on my other side. Harry signals towards Louis. I turn to Louis, giving him all of my attention.

"Liv, I have something to tell you." He mutters. Louis is barely serious, not in a bad way. He just has a very cheerful personality, and is rarely sad.

I nod at him. "Spill, Louis. You can tell me anything." I say in assurance, making him aware that he can, indeed, tell me anything.

"Liv, i-it's just that... um... I've always been confused about this. And when after the hiatus I came home, and stayed here the whole time. I finally realised it. I'm no longer confused, but I'm really scared. I-I'm g-gay." He blurts out in stutters.

"Lou, look at me." I say, because his head was hanging low, as if he was ashamed. 

He slowly looks up, tears visibly springing up in his brilliant blue eyes. I place my hands on the sides of his face. 

"Louis, wipe your tears, sit straight, puff your chest." I speak slightly sternly. 

He does.

"Now say 'I'm gay' with a proud smile." 

"I'm gay." He perks up, grinning brightly. 

"Yes, that's how I want you to say it. Proudly." I smile, looking into his now shining blue orbs.

"I love you both so much." He admits, pulling me in a sweet hug.

I pull away a few minutes later. "Okay, leaving the emotional part behind. Now that you have told us that, tell me, do you have a boyfriend?" I perk up playfully.

He blushes and looks the other way.

"Oh my god, you do, don't you?!" I tease him, laughing.

He flushes red, looking like a tomato. "I have a boyfriend." He admits shyly.

"Who is it?!" I ask him, practically boring my eyes into his soul.

"You already know him." He says casually.

"It's Stan, isn't it?" Harry speaks in a nonchalant way, as if it was the most obvious thing in this world.

Louis' eyes pop out of the socket, and his face goes pink all over again; Just to prove Harry is, indeed, very correct.

"H-How did you know?" Louis asked, utterly shocked.

Harry smirked. "Lou, remember when we were on our UAN tour? There was a reason when I purposefully changed the lyrics to 'Cause I can love you more than Stan.' I've always known."

I smile. He's right.

Louis and Stan always had something special. Something probably Harry figured before even Louis and Stan could figure it out. Sure, both of them claimed to be best friends, but when I think of it now, maybe it was way more than just that all along. 

Although, it didn't surprise that Harry knew. He was always good at catching all the minor moments, which generally went unnoticed by others' eyes. He always noticed fine details in everything, let it be people, things, or emotions. He has a very different point of view of visioning life. People don't just say that he's Harry Styles.

"Liv? Whatcha thinking?" I heard Harry's voice, pulling me out of my thoughts. 

"Nothing, Haz." I assure. "So, Lou-"

'Cause you're safe like spring time

Short days, long nights, boy

Tell me all the ways to love you

'Cause you taste like Lucky Strikes

You drag, I light, boy-

"Is that your phone, boo?" Harry asks in a teasing tone. 

Louis blushes and nods.

"Pick it up!" I say.

Louis takes it out. The moment he glanced at the caller ID, his face lighted up ten times more than it already was. Ah! So it's Stan calling.

He gets up, walks up to the porch, and takes the call.

I turn to Harry. "He's so happy!" I chirp. Harry nods furiously with a grin on his face.

"Um... Stan wants to come over..." Louis speaks up, seeming unsure.

"OMG yes! Tell him to come!" I say excitedly. 

Louis nods and agrees.

This is going to be interesting. I had a feeling.


(A/N) Votes, comments and corrections are appreciated.

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