(6) Pillows & Bakery

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(A/N) 👀


(Olivia's POV)

"I've got the popcorn!" I cheer while passing the bowls to everyone. We decided upon having a movie night. 

It has been two nights since me and Harry came home. It's lovely. Sleeping till noon, waking up to mum's cooking, picking up mails from the all-too-familiar wooden mailbox, standing on the handmade patio facing the backyard, inhaling the scent of the flowers nurtured by Anne with colourful butterflies swaying around in the air. It's home.

Anne presses play, as I take my seat between Harry and a pouty Cameron. 

Harry and Cameron argued for 15 minutes because Cameron wanted to watch Toy Story, and Harry wanted to watch 21 Jump Street. In the end, Anne suggested upon watching 10 Things I Hate About You. Harry, being mature, agreed, but Cameron, being only 5 years old, is still upset.

I felt Cameron snuggling into my arm. "Psst Cam." I whisper to him. "Yes, Oly?" He mutters under his breath. Still pouting.

"Don't worry, we'll watch all the parts of Toy Story tomorrow, in the afternoon. Promise. Yeah?" I promise him. He looks up to me with a slight smile. "Really, Oly?" He asks with a twinkle in his eyes. 

"Yes, Cam." I confirm. His face lights up as he shifts and sits on my lap, facing me. "You're the best sister ever. I love you." He admits quietly. 

I lean forward and kiss his cheek. He blushes, and hides his face into my chest, wrapping his small hands around me. My heart flutters because of the cuteness.

I get back to the movie, to find out it was at the part where Kat flashes Coach Chapin. We all laugh together, enjoying the embarrassment. "What are you all laughing at?" Cameron asks innocently, looking up from my chest. "Nothing, sweetheart." Anne respond quickly.

"Tell meeee." Cameron whines, extending the 'e' in me. "It's just that Patrick fell off the stairs, you know? It's funny, isn't it?" Harry says, not wanting to corrupt Cameron's little mind. Cameron laughs, probably picturing the scene. Cameron turns around, facing the TV, still sitting on my lap. Maybe wanting to watch the movie. 

The movie continues, and it's going all too well and PG, until they kiss. The scene is on where they kiss whilst laying in the hay, during the paintball fight. 

"Mommy, why is he eating her?" Cameron questions confuses by their actions.

Mum's head snaps in Cameron's direction. "No, baby. They're kissing." She states. "But why?" He asks, yet again, intrigued by their actions.

"Because he likes her, Cam." She explains calmly. "Oh! Just like I like Luke! Can I kiss him?" Cameron asks innocently, referring to his dear friend Luke, who's also our neighbour. "No, dear. You kiss someone when you love them more than just a friend. You'll eventually get it better when you grow up, lovely." I say.

"Okay!" Cameron agrees, trusting my words. 

Luke is our neighbour. And Cameron's dear friend. Luke's parents moved into the house on our right, 6 years ago. His father got a job in the Leighton Hospital, hence, they moved here. A year later, Luke was born. Less than a year later, Cameron came. By that time, mum and Lily, Luke's mother, became good friends. Eventually, Luke and Cameron got along really well, sharing a common love for chocolate cookies and mint ice-cream. You'd ask how do I know these things? Well, let's just say, Cameron loves talking about Luke. Not a single conversation goes by where Cameron doesn't mention Luke. Being friends for more than 3 years, they're attached by hip. Just like me and Harry.

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