10. weekend

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I yawned and snuggled into my bed.
That's not my bed.
I snap my eyes open and realise that I'm laying on Justice's chest, his arms are around me and then last nights events fill my mind.
I told him.
And he didn't hate me.
After the incident...mum and dad went on more and more trips, i eventually came to the realisation that they probably didn't want to see me. That i reminded them too much of their eldest child. I go to get up but Justice pulls me back into his embrace.
This is nice.
But i need to pee.
I slowly get up and go to the bathroom, i cringe at the sight of myself, i had decided to wear eyeliner and mascara yesterday, bad idea. I scrubbed at my face until it was clean and went back to bed. It's the weekend so we don't have to worry about school.
I wonder what would happen if mum and dad came home? Mum would probably welcome them and dad would scold her because they were going to be late for another trip.
I felt Justice stir and i raised my head, he was already looking at me he smiles and i smile back.
This is awkward.
'What are we doing today?' He asks.
We go with Emmy and their Mum.
At the mall i kept running with Emmy, i know ignoring Justice is bad but i just...i feel really embarrassed about yesterday and i know he will want to talk to me about it. We've gone to at least 12 shops by now, i stop for a second to take a quick rest from Emmy's running and i feel someone sit next to me.
'Hey Gra-' Justice starts but Emmy bounds over.
'Geo! I want to go there!' She points to another shop and i leave without even saying hi. I feel really bad.
'Geo look!' Emmy giggles and i smile. Geo is the nickname she gave me.
We walk into the shop and i buy her a massive stuffed bear, she gives me a big hug and runs to her mother,
'Thank you so much Gravity!' She tells me.
'No problem! We should go home, look at the time' i say and her eyes widen.
'It's wayyy past your bedtime!' She says to Emmy.
I drive us home and everyone leaves to go to their rooms. I spront to mt room hoping to avoid Justice but right when i got to my door i felt someone behind me. Shoot.
I turn to run somewhere else but he grabs me by my waist and throws me over his shoulder.
He walks into his room and closes the door behind him and puts me dow, he pins me against the wall and looks at me with a frown.
'Why are you ignoring me?' He asks, his voice deepened with his confusion.
'I....i...' I hate how much he effects me.
'You can tell me' he whispers and unconsciously i lean into him and place my chin on his shoulder.
'I was embarrassed. About yestersay, i...i just...i don't like opening up, i like to keep things to myself. I guess it's because I've never actually had anyone' i mutter and he pulls away and looks deep in my eyes.
'You have me. Never forget it okay?' He tells me and i nodd and lean back into the hug.
I thought he was going to ask about the incident or at least force me to talk about it...as if he heard my thoughts he whispers 'you don't have to tell me anything unless you're comfortable with it' and i nodd.
He picks me up and takes me to the bathroom.
'Get ready for bed sunshine, it's late' he gives me a wink and leaves.
I take a really long shower and then go to bed. I couldn't sleep.
I stood up and went to my little draw and smiled. Mum had given me a USB of songs that she used to sing for me. I go and plug it into my phone and play the songs, i miss mum a lot.
I smile as i hear her singing 'say you won't let go' i love that song.
I hear my phone go off and i see a message from mum.
Mom: Goodnight hun! See tou tomorrow ;)
Tomorrow? Mum is coming tomorrow! I slowly drift off to sleep.

'Why would i help you?' I scoff and he grins.
'Here is £1000. Just make her uncomfortable and I'll go in and save her, you get your money and i get my girl. I'll give you double if you scare the nerd. Make sure he doesn't interfere.' He says.
'What happens if you don't get there in time?'
'Domico you are one weird guy' i say counting my money.

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