Chapter 11 ~Childhood memories~

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~Previously~ "Kenma can you give me Sho-chan's number please?" Yaku asks. "Me too Kenma-san!" Inuoka raises his phone, as well as Fukunaga. "Sure." Kenma approves. "WHY DID YOU GIVE THEM HER NUMBER AND NOT MEEE??!!!!!! KENNMMAAA!!" Kuuro cries.

"Humm~ humm~" Child Shoyo was swinging on the swing alone while humming. She was alone, she has no friends. Then someone approaches her.

She looks up at the boy who was just standing there staring at her with a red face. "Uhhhmm........." The boy was trying to come up something to say.

Then he hears the girl giggling, the boy looks at Shoyo confused. "Hehehehe......My name is Shoyo Hinata! Whats your name?" Shoyo stands up from the swing and shakes the boys hand.

The boy started to blush. "U-u-uhhhhh...M-my n-name is T-Tetsurou Kuuro!.." child Kuuro stuttered. "Nice to meet you Tetsu-chan! Let's be friends" Shoyo smiles brightly at the boy.

The boy was staring at her for awhile then he nods aggressively. The two then started playing together. (Just so y'all know, Kuuro doesn't live in Tokyo yet, he lived in Miyagi first and he still hasn't met Kenma, this ain't canon k? This is just made up by meh, also Shoyo is 6 yrs old and Kuuro is 7 uwu)

"Why do you not have any friends?? Even tho...Your so fun." Kuuro asked, while building a sandcastle. "Hnnn..... I dunno.." Shoyo answered. Kuuro looks at the sunshine girl for a bit then he stands up. "Tetsu-chan?" Shoyo looks up at the boy.

"I'll introduce you to my friends! So that you'll also have friends and you won't be lonely!" Kuuro smiles toothily. "Uwwoooohhh!!! Okiee!!!" Shoyo jumps up excitedly.

Kuuro grabs Shoyo's hand and starts running to who knows where Kuuro is taking Shoyo. They finally arrived in they're destination, Shoyo looks at the tree house with stars in her eyes.

"This is our secret hide out! Don't tell anyone okie?" Kuuro puts his index finger on his mouth. "Okiee!!" Shoyo also does the same.

They climbed the tree house and they saw three boys doing stuff. "Kuuro! Your here! Where were you?" A boy with a black brownish hair asked.

"Your late!!" A short boy kicked Kuuro on the back. "OW!" Kuuro screamed in pain. "Can't you be a little nicer to me atleast..?" Kuuro rubs his back. "Nah." He replied. Shoyo was just spectating

"Pfft! Your so lame! This is why i'm the best!" A boy with greenish hair snickered. "Why you...!" Kuuro charged at him and the two started fighting.  The boy with black brownish hair sighed. "Not again...I don't want to deal with them right now..." he groans.

Then he notices Shoyo. "Hm? Who are you?" He asked. "My name is Shoyo Hinata i'm Tetsu-chan's friend!" Shoyo shouted proudly. "Hoohhh??? My name is Sawamura Daichi It's nice to meet you Hinata-chan!" Daichi smiles.

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