Chapter 1

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Hazel POV:

Have you ever heard about being a leader? Definition of being a leader: someone who leads a group and commands them to do certain things -Hmm nice, but not a complete definition right? I think so too. Anyways, I am Hazel and I love reading books, knitting, and -forcely washing dishes. My favourite 'shopping mall' -is Dollarama. I know it isn't a mall but I guess I love calling it a shopping mall because I only like going there.

It is 8:00 am and I only have 15 minutes left to get ready for school. I quickly get out of my bed, run to the bathroom and take a short bath. Uhh, now it's the hardest- choosing my outfit! I skim through all my outfits; my yellow blouse and yellow skirt- no. My pants and T-shirt- haha no way! My jeans and flower designed top- uh not even. My ceremonial dress?-omg no way! My blue loose pants and top, aha!- this is it! I quickly get dressed and run downstairs, to the main entrance. OMG! Not again! "Mother, how many times do I tell you not to spill water after me? Now my pants are all wet-uhh." I said "It's alright not a big deal, it'll dry as soon as you get there, good luck!" I blow my kisses to my mother and start walking to school.

I looked at my watch and it was 8:14 am! Yikes! I still have 5 minutes left. I start jogging to school and reach. Phew thank god my teacher wasn't in class yet. I quickly take off my bag and place my stationary and books on my desk.

"Good morning girls and boys," said Mr. William. "Good morning" everyone shouted. He rushed through his bag and took his laptop, and books out -and of course! He took out his chocolate bar, like seriously, I wonder if the chocolates in dollarama finish because of him, who knows. He literally can't live without eating 8 chocolate bars throughout the day. I am guessing that's what keeps him so energetic. He dictates the learning goal and everyone starts writing down on their notebooks.

"Ok, today we will be learning about rays" he said, "Like in X-rays?" Jacob asked. Everyone laughed and said "Wake up Jacob, we're in math class". Wow didn't that rhyme? Hah it for sure did. Anyways we finally ended class. We're free! I don't like math class at all! Now it's my snack break and everyone just barged outside. I decided to stay inside, as well as my friend Isabella. "Hey Hazel!" she said, "Hi Isabella!" I responded. "You know since I am the leader of the class and everyone loves me, I was going to ask if you want to join my team, since you're so low-rated in class" she said rolling her eyes. "Uhh, no thank you I am fine" I responded and she just rolled her eyes again and left.

It was good I was all alone, because I got so annoyed by her. But you know what? She is the leader of the class just because she plays soccer well. But I don't really think being a leader is just being good at sports or anything else. It shouldn't be defined as that as well. The bell rang again and everyone came back inside, including Isabella and her group. Uhh. We all started class and finally!! School is over!

The moment I step out of the main entrance of the school, Olivia calls me. "Hey! Hazel can you wait for a bit please?" she said in her gentle voice. "Sure!" I responded. "You know how we have a competition in soccer? I feel very unmotivated and I feel like I won't do a great job" she said. "Hmm, I see, but let me be very honest with you. You are very talented and I believe in you, and I really think you will do it!" I said. "Really? Thank you so much, I really needed this!" she responded. "No problem!" I said smiling.

I started walking home, and bought three breads as usual. "Welcome Hazel! How was your day my dear?" my mother said in a welcoming voice. "Nothing much, I just feel a little down because of Isabella" I said and told her the whole story. "Oh c'mon! Don't upset yourself with small and unnecessary stuff like this Hazel, who cares. You are who you are, and that's what makes you Hazel." she said. I smiled at her and said "True, I shouldn't care, everyone is who they are." I walk upstairs to my bedroom. Changed and got back downstairs to help my mother prepare dinner. We ate and cleaned up. Ughhh, I went upstairs. My stairs are literally never ending!

I finally reach my bedroom and complete my homework. I wear my soft pajamas. Made myself hot milk, closed the lights and watched the stars. Woow! It is so peaceful! This feels very good. I spent one hour glaring at the stars, remembering sad moments, and thinking to myself. I always think to myself and I would recommend. It is always good to reflect on your thoughts by yourself and think about everything. Afterwards, I get into my bed. I cuddled in my cozy blanket and closed my eyes, wishing myself a peaceful day. 

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