Chapter 4

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Hazel POV:

*Alarm Ringing*

What's this sound? Ugh -oh yea I have school. I get up and look at the time and head to the bathroom -wait, what? It's only 3:14 am, why is the alarm ringing at this time? That's weird. The weird thing is that the sound is coming from my mothers room -I mean she never sets an alarm and it's the middle of night. Hmm..

I wear my vest and head to my mothers room. I knock and say "Mother, can I come in?" No answer, so I just wait. It's been 5 minutes now, and I just barge into the room. All I see is a pack of pills and the phone ringing. Where was my mother? I call out to her and there's no answer. "Hazel!?" My mother said in a worried and loud tone. I said, "Yes? Umm your alarm was ringing and I wanted to see what's-" "How many times did I say don't enter my room without me letting you!!" she shouted. I was so shocked, because she never told me that before and this got me thinking. I sense something suspicious going on. What were those pills?Hmm

I get back to my bed, and try to sleep. I turn to my right -ugh! Then I turn to my left -ooff! I can't sleep! I can't stop thinking about what's going on, I just keep assuming things. I try not to assume bad things. Ugh! If it wasn't something bad, then why did she try to hide it? She could've just said that she has a headache. Ugh! I close my eyes, trying to ignore my bad thoughts -ugh.

*Alarm Ringing*

*Birds Chirping*

Omg! Again another alarm! I get up and check my phone -nevermind it's 8:00 am. I close my alarm and head to the bathroom to take a bath. Then I dress up and head downstairs -same boring routine as usual. It's such a hassle waking up early and going to school! Mmm I smell yummy pancakes! It's my mother, she didn't go to work again -what? Hmm I have a strong feeling that something is going on wrong, hmm.

"Good morning!" I said. "Oh Hazel! My dear, good morning, you're up early today" she said. I looked at the clock and it was exactly 8:10 am, I had only 5 minutes left. "What? I only have 5 minutes left" I said smiling. "Smh, oh yea" she said in a stagnant voice. Hmm, she's acting very abnormal. OMG! What's going on with her? Ugh, I try ignoring and try to think that she's starting to forget because of her age. I eat and quickly go to school.

"Good morning Mr.William" I said. "Good morning Hazel!" He responded. I head to my seat and settle. I was feeling so down for some reason. I open my notebook and doodle as usual. Ugh this isn't helping me out. I get permission and head to the bathroom. "Olivia! What happened? What are you doing here, why are you crying?" I ask Olivia. "Hazel, I trust you alot, and I want to share something with you -" she said. "Yes of course, I will keep your secret." I responded."I learned that...... my mom is very ill and the classmates always make fun of this. It just really gets into my nerves. Like it's not a nice thing, they need to understand and have some empathy. As well I just feel very negative about myself. Like no one in the class like me and idk ugh." Olivia said.

"O my!? I am really sorry for that, I really don't know what to say. Hmm may god grant her cure. Ok look Olivia. You are you, who cares about others. Don't even bother to take them serious when they do that. They just have no understanding skills. You need to be strong and show them that you're strong and that you won't be crushed into pieces by their nonsense jokes. Who cares! Let them not like you, no one needs to like you. You need to like yourself firstly Olivia, but unfortunately you don't. You're an amazing friend. Remember the day you shut Isabella up? Remember the days you tell your very funny stories and make everyone laugh? This is you, and you need to accept yourself. You're an amazing person. You can change everything if you just be yourself. Trust me, you're A True Leader Olivia because you win the hearts of people, not the minds and claps of people, you win the respect and trust of people not their honor to your performance in the field. That's it! This is called being a true leader! You are a true leader. You make people laugh, and happy." I said.

"Oh! I never looked at it from that perspective Hazel! Thank you.! Thank you for opening my eyes, because I never thought that being a leader is doing stuff like this. I just thought it was regular things everyone does! Wow Hazel! Thank You very much, you cheered me up with your honest words. You legit spoke your wisdom up! You're very wise and thank you very much. Now that i'm thinking, being A True Leader doesn't mean winning in games, being A True Leader is exactly what you described! Thank you!" She responded.

"No problem at all! I hope you feel better now and I'm glad you understand what being a leader is, because never forget that the definition of leader in the dictionary or website, does not fulfill the whole meaning of being a leader!" I said. "True! I will never forget that my best friend!" she said and left the bathroom. Wow! She is actually such an understanding person! I'm impressed! I wash my face -still confused about my mother and about Olivia. I get back to class and continue doodling.

*Bell Ringing*

FinallyI quickly pack -faster than usual. Wow! What a record! I reach home in 5 minutes. "Welcome Hazel!" My mother greeted me. "Thank you," I responded. Wow! She's still home? Hmm...I have no appetite today so I just help my mom clean the dishes. "Are you sure everything is alright?" I ask my mother. "Hazel! Please, everything is fine don't ask," she responded. "Hmm, ok. I will be in my room," I said. Then I head up to my room. I feel like doing nothing. I just decide to sleep. I lay down, I still can't stop thinking about my mother. I just close my eyes -surrendering myself to my thoughts. 

Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Hmm...what do you think about Hazel's mother? I'm looking forward for your comments!🥰🤗🤩🎉🎉

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