𝟎𝟗 - 𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐝𝐞

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You felt as if someone was looking at you from behind so you turned around only to see nothing.

It must be a forest thing you assumed, it was a creepy place to be at.

You were kind of hoping they would be back by now as you felt an extreme chill run down your spine.

"Hello there", you almost fell off the rock as you heard a husky voice down your neck.

You quickly got up and turned around, your fists automatically clenching at your side.

"Wh-who are you?", you asked trying very hard not to sound scared.

"Jungkook told me to come and collect you", he tilted his head creepily smirking.

You were only familiar with seven of the wolves so it was likely this was another wolf from the village but something told you he couldn't be trusted.

"I-I'll just wait here for them, they told me not to leave this place", you kept your ground.

"Obedient are you?", he hissed. Jungkook hissed at you all the time but his weren't threatening but the man's infront of you made you want to run and hide. But you knew you couldn't go anywhere, you saw the fangs, he was a wolf, he would just end up chasing and hunting you down.

Maybe you should just comply.

"Alright you got me", he bitterly chuckled, "I'm not part of your crowd but...", he looked around and then back at you, "You can't really do anything now that your wolf friends are gone, you pathetic human!", he grabbed you as his sharp claws made way into your arm easily.

You winced making him chuckle.

"Oh that was just the beginning but I promise you won't feel anything from here on out", your eyes widened as he showed you his fangs and the worse part was that they were on track to meeting your neck.


Jungkook felt a slight tingle run down his arm as he stopped in his tracks. He felt uneasy having left you all alone and to make it worse, his left arm was aching. What was going on with you!

You were too far away so running back to you was not a good option if you were in danger.

He sighed, there was no way he was going to attempt this but he had no other ideas.

Bonds allowed for telepathic communication but it was rather a last tactic you would use and Jungkook initially wanted to do nothing to make you suspect that you guys were soulmates but as his heart pace quickened and he felt you were in trouble, this felt like the only way out.

It was a call from the right intentions, "Y/N?"

He heard nothing. This was bad.

"Y/N!", he tried again


The man's eyes closed as his fangs were mere inches from your neck. You panicked and unexpectedly you banged your head with his making enough impact to send him tumbling to the ground.

You heaved out a breath, your hand on your mouth. You couldn't believe you had just done that.

"You'll regret this!", the man was now making his way back up as you quickly began to run.

"Y/N!" you heard Jungkook's voice in your head.

Wait what!

What or how was Jungkook in your head. Everything was happening so quick. You turned around to see the man was still following you.

"J-Jungkook?", you replied to the voice in your head.

"Yes, where are you?" he asked.

"H-how are you in my head!", you couldn't believe you were keeping up a conversation in your head while frantically running.

"Ask me anything later, right now, tell me where you are and why are you running?", he asked.

"Wait how do you know I'm running!", you couldn't stop with the questions, all of this was bizarre.

You were begging for all of this to be a dream and you'd wake up in your castle on your bed without the knowledge of wolves or even this forest.

"I told you! Questions later, answer mine first!", Jungkook sounded annoyed even in your head.

"I'm running from someone, he said he was with you but now he's chasing me", you cried out.

"Stop running", Jungkook stated nonchalantly.

Was he out of his mind!

"He'll catch me then", you snapped at him.

"If you don't stop running, I can't figure out where you are", he explained.

"Wait you're able to tell where I am?", why were you learning of all this now.

"Can you be surprised later, I'm trying to save your life here!", you could definitely feel the eye roll Jungkook was doing right now.

"Ok but I can't stop running, he's right behind me!", you explained.

"A few more, keep running, a few more", he chanted.

Why was he all over the place!

"Ok what! first you tell me not to run and now you tell me to run! make up your m-", you weren't paying attention to where you were running which made you bump into the body right ahead of you.

It was Jungkook.

You could seriously give him a hug right now if it weren't for the creepy man who was following you.

"Stay behind me, understood!", Jungkook held your shoulders.

You nodded.

"So, I guess you found your friends", the man stopped, almost not breathing heavily unlike you who was a panting mess.

This time you assumed you were safer because Jungkook was there.

"I can't believe it, it's a bloodfeeder", Jungkook was astonished.

"Never seen one of us", the man spoke with enthusiasm in his voice.

"What do you want?", Jungkook spat at him.

"The human", he smirked looking at you as you felt a little small under his gaze.

"Well you're going to have to go through me!", Jungkook morphed into a wolf and chased for the man.

Just then you saw the others return too.

"Yoongi get Y/N back to the village!", Jin commanded as he approached you.

"Let's go", Yoongi told you to follow him but you couldn't snatch your eyes away from Jungkook who was ferociously fighting the man.

"Wh-what about Jungkook?", you asked.

"He'll be fine, the others got his back, right now, you need to think about your safety", Yoongi explained.

You felt a little bit better seeing the others going in to help Jungkook.

They were all in danger because of you. This was all your fault.

You nodded your head following Yoongi as he guided you far away from the fight.


Hope you enjoyed! ❤️✨

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now