𝟐𝟑 - 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐞

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"Well well well, it's finally the best day of your life princess!", The prince hopped down the stairwell to greet you.

"Our wedding day!, the whole place is decked out with the most extravagant and over the top decorations, thank me later", he winked.

"Get her out and immediately send her to hair and make up, this has to go smoothly, got it", the prince ordered.

"Yes sir!", the guards chimed in.

The prince got closer to the guards, almost as to whisper to them, "And keep this wolves rescue under the table, no one needs to know what they don't know happened, especially the King and Queen".

The guards nodded discreetly.

You were thankful to be out, the few days in the cell were the worst days of your life, you were barely fed and were alone with your thoughts. The latter one scared you the most.

But you didn't feel the ache that you did when Jungkook was hurting which was good, he was safe and in a way that meant you were safe too.

The guards pulled you up and dragged you upstairs.

You hadn't seen the light for the while and even gotten a good glimpse of the castle since you got here. The prince had not lied, everything had hints of white and gold to celebrate the day. It looked expensive and almost dream like.

You were instantly taken to one of the many rooms of the castle and brought to a dresser.

"The Queen and maid will be with you soon, do not try anything funny", one of the guards commanded as you nodded.

They soon went away forcing you to turn around and look at your reflection. You looked so pale and almost ghostly. This reminded you of standing in front of the broken mirror in your tiny cabin in the forest. You weren't particularly fond of that place in the start but it became more of a home then this castle ever was.

"Oh my god, it really is you!", your mother also the Queen came into the room.

She set on a bench beside you, "Where have you been my dear?".

She held your weak bony hands ever so gently in her hands which were decked out with the finest gold rings and bracelets. Despite being your mother, you never felt a bond with her. She was always out with your father completing her duties, being a Queen while you were raised by the maids in the castle.

"I'm sorry for making you worried", was all you could reply to her.

She put a hair strand behind your ear, "The Prince told us that you were kidnapped, look how weak you have gotten", she uttered.

You almost wanted to chuckle and congratulate the Prince because whatever game he was playing, he had fooled everyone, even your own parents with it.

"I'm just glad you are back safe and sound sweetie and look at you, about to become a Queen as you marry the Prince, I'm so happy", she lightly kissed your forehead. Even though this may be the most attention you had ever gotten from your mother, you were satisfied as you passed her a smile.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, you'd get married, become the Queen with a maniac for a King to rule next to you....yeah that last part did not sound so good.

"I'll get going for my gown fitting now", your mother gave you one last smile before she was gone like she always was.

"You are absolutely mad and I want to be sooooo mad at you but I can't because what you did was brave but stupid nonetheless", Nora came hurling in the room next.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now