𝟐𝟒 - 𝐉𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬

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The hall was empty by now since the wolves and the disorder had frightened everyone out.

The King and Queen remained, surrounded by guards. The guards hadn't found a safe enough exit to leave.

Nora had found herself a hide out somewhere in the hall since she didn't want to leave you in danger.

The place was a mess and you hated how you were in the middle of it. The previous gold and white decorations had become jumbled chaos. You could not lie though, a part of you was still relieved you hadn't gotten married to the Prince just yet.

"I will marry Y/N and that is final!", the Prince yelled pulling you closer to him.

"You realize you will not win this", Jungkook showed his fangs and you saw the Prince slightly loosen his hand on your wrist, gulping shortly afterwards.

You became the tug of war rope in this entire mess but you were having none of it.

You snatched both your arms away, "Leave me alone!"

"JUST STOP IT! The both of you", you looked sternly at Jungkook.

"I don't want any of this", you sighed getting the attention of your parents.

The King and Queen looked at each other before making their way to you, warding off the guards around them.

"Why didn't you tell us?", your mother began.

"I thought you wouldn't listen so I thought escaping was better, I went into the forest", you confessed making your mother gasp.

"Do you want to marry the Prince?", your father asked you.

For the first time, your father looked towards you for an answer. He had never done this before.

"I-", you were bewildered. You were never asked this question in the first place and maybe if you had been, none of this would have ever happened.

"I know I have never been there for you like you have wanted me to but..." your father looked at the Prince in disgust.

The King, your father had come across many men, he was aware of their greedy eyes, especially on his throne. He had never paid that much attention to the Prince before but he could recognize that greed anywhere.

"I know this descision is one that I will regret making without your input", he stated.

You truly had a choice, you looked at Jungkook who was not meeting your eyes at the moment. He was afraid of your answer.

The room was dead silent, even the Prince with his big ego was unable to break the silence.

"No, I don't want this", you finally let out as you could physically see Jungkook take a breath of relief.

"No, this can't be! I need to become the King, I need to be all powerful!", The prince had unknowingly blurted out his true thoughts.

The Queen gasped.

The Prince tried to clarify his statement having heard what he had just said, "I mean for this Kingdom of course, I want to be all powerful for this Kingdom", he nervously chuckled.

"Good call!", your father winked at you when hearing your final answer.

"Guards, take him away!" your father commanded to the guards.

What they didn't expect was for the Prince to fight back, he undid his sword and attacked the guards. One by one they were on the floor.

"Y/N, look out!", Jungkook called out but it was too late. In the midst of everything, the Prince had you by the waist, a sword to your neck.

You gulped.

Your mother and father were stricken in fear.

"Are you insane! Do you know who I am!", The prince smirked. "Well if you didn't before, now you do", he grinned in Jungkook's direction who felt very useless at the moment.

"I-I'll marry you, just please let me go", a tear cascaded down your eye.

"That's more like it now-", before you knew it, you heard a loud thud and the prince fainted on the floor.

"Oh my god", you saw Nora right behind the prince's faint body with a vase that was previously a decoration, now a dangerous weapon.

"I can't believe I did that", Nora was in shock.

"Thank you", you gave her a huge hug.

"Yeah yeah, you owe me", she jokingly stated.

The prince's body was taken away by new guards overseeing the entire mess of the hall.

"What will we tell the people, I mean-", The Queen was in distress as your father went to console her.

There was always that, no matter what had happened, your parents loved each other, they had each other to look out for them.

"Well if that is handled, would you like to introduce us to your friends?", your father tilted his head to the boys who had tried their very best to save their Luna and in a way, they had.

"Look, I escaped to the forest before the Prince kidnapped me and brought me back, they have only been kind to me, they have nothing to do with anything that happened today, they were trying to save me"

"I swear, they are not dangerous, you have to-", you protested.

"Don't worry dear, I believe you", your father chuckled.

Your face of confusion made him elaborate a little bit more.

"Danger is only what we don't understand plus I was reading into the Kingdom's stowed away legislation scroll, if anything, we owe them a huge apology, we-", he sighed.

"I can fix it" you interrupted.

"What?", your father prompted you to speak up.

You looked towards Nora who was also anticipating where this was going, you could change your destiny after all.

Your parents were right in front of you now, you had gotten the both of them to listen to you. This was your chance.

"I want to be Queen but without any strings attached, I don't want to get married if I don't want to, I want to take it step by step, I want to clear this forest conspiracy, the wolves deserve better, this Kingdom deserves better", you gulped, really hoping you hadn't blown your one chance.

You didn't hear anything back. Your father looked towards your mother. Did they not trust you?

"With all do respect sir, Y/N is the bravest person I have ever met, she deserves this more than anyone", Namjoon stepped forward.

You heard the others agree in unison.

They had really come through and after all this was over, you owed them the biggest thank you ever.

"We thought you were not ready but that's our own fault", your mother sighed looking at your father.

"We are sorry for being gone all these years, we missed out on you growing into a beautiful strong young woman", your mother smiled at you.

You genuinely smiled back to. This didn't solve everything but one step at a time, you could heal relationships you thought were already broken.

"You can be Queen but...", your father added making your heart drop.

What else did you have to do to prove yourself!

"We need a coronation first", he chuckled, pulling you into a hug.


One more chapter to go! ❤️✨

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now