𝟐𝟐 - 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐲

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"So what's the plan?", Nora asked no one in particular in the group of six boys, her eyes accidentally landing on Namjoon.

He was so confused why he got all so flustered and speechless. He had never been like this.

"You okay?", Jimin patted his hyung's back.

"Yeah-I you're very pretty ma'am", Before Namjoon could even stop, he had already made a fool of himself in front of Nora.

Nora began to blush furiously, "I-umm thank you?".

"Yeah yeah, move aside you punk!", Jin pushed the dazed Namjoon out of his way.

"I'm guessing you know where the prisoners' cells are", Jin stated making Nora nod her head.

"I just heard the Prince come out of there, it is right by that stairwell", she pointed to her right.

There was a black marble staircase between two pilgrims that led to a lower level area.

"Ok let's go then", Jin began walking as everyone else followed suit.

"Wait! we can't just go in there, there were guards with the Prince", Nora explained.

"Then we take them out", Yoongi suggested.

"How?", Nora wondered.

Yoongi spanned a look to all the boys as they nodded simultaneously, they knew something that Nora didn't.

"We have a plan, just follow us", Yoongi smirked.

So down the spiral stairway they went. They could finally see the two guards lingering around but there was no sight of you or Jungkook just yet.

"On the count of three, one, two-", Yoongi began.

"WHAT! what's happening, I don't-", Nora protested.

"THREE!", Yoongi and the others charged at the guards.

Some morphed into wolves right in front of the guards making them shriek and drop down their weapons.

"Surrender or we eat you!", Hoseok ordered.

The two guards ran up the stairs screaming, they were nothing without the Prince's orders.

"Silly humans, we don't eat people", Taehyung chuckled.

"Oh my-", Nora was now very stunned, she had no idea what she was dealing with and then some of the very regular looking boys had turned into wolves and now were morphing back. It was all feeling a lot more real to her. The stories weren't total lies.

"You did not expect that, did you?", Namjoon scratched his head nervously, he did not want Nora to turn on them.

"Yeah I'm just- I have never seen anything like that", Nora wasn't scared but this was hard to digest.

The wolves understood, it would be hard for anyone to digest in the starting. It was even hard for you. They just had to accept that people were naturally uncomfortable of things they couldn't quite make sense of.

"Here! They are here!", Jin pointed down the hallway.

There were many cells but no one was in any of them except the very last one down the hall. Nora had never been here so this place looked starkly different then the rest of the castle with exposed bricks and even pipes covering the interior.

They walked along the hallway until finally, there was you and Jungkook.

"Oh my god!", Nora was in shock.

What had they done to you! You were so weak.

"N-nora, guys, What are you doing here!", It was even hard for you to speak properly.

"So the prince isn't who we thought he was", Nora gritted her teeth.

You shook your head.

Nora's blood was boiling. The prince would get in so much trouble for this, she would make sure of it!

"Ok we have to get out of here quick, the guards went up screaming, they will attract attention to us", Hoseok commented with the cell key in hand that was posted just outside.

The guards were not good at their jobs.

They helped both you and Jungkook out. As Jungkook's body was moved back and fourth constantly, he was gaining conscious again slowly.

"Ok let's go", everyone began to move the way they came, Jungkook was draped in the arms of two of the boys.

You stopped in your tracks making the rest of the batch look at you confused.

"What are you doing Y/N! You have to go", Nora stated.

"No I...I have to stay behind", you bit your lip nervously. This was probably the first decision you were happy to take on your own. You had always let other people make decisions for you but you were going to take this one full heartedly to save the boys, to save Jungkook.

"You're crazy Y/N, what are you saying!", Nora was frustrated.

"Y/N, we came here to not just save Jungkook, but you as well, you're our Luna, it's our job to protect you as well", Namjoon stated.

You were almost tearing up as you shook your head.

"You're wrong, it's my job to protect you guys and this decision is final, he said he would leave you guys alone if I married him so I'll go along with it", you explained.

"Take Jungkook and leave, never come back", you said that more harshly then you would like to admit but this had to be done.

"All I know is I get hurt if he does", you smiled at Jungkook who was still semi unconscious.

"Now go!, all of you!", You looked at Nora sternly because you knew she would try to stay and convince you.

"Go", you pleaded and since they had no choice, they looked amongst each other and left.

They feared for you and you wish you could tell them you feared for yourself too.

The cell became very quiet once again very quickly and you were left alone.


They were running back to the forest. It was too much of a risk to try and stay behind even for a little while.

Jungkook was fully conscious now and was capable of morphing and running along with his hyungs. He felt weak and dehydrated but he was lucky he wasn't dead.

The farther he went from the castle though, the harder it became for him to breath. He was forgetting something very important to him in there but was just too afraid to admit it.

You saved his life and he felt so pathetic that he wasn't even going to try to save you.

He stopped in his tracks making the other boys stop as well.

"We have to go back, we can't just leave Y/N!", he stated. He felt very guilty, now that he was able to think properly. He hated the way he acted in the cell. He could've saved the both of you but it wasn't too late.

"Finally! Took you long enough to admit it", Taehyung shook his head.

"What do you mean hyung?", he asked.

"Obviously we were not going to leave Y/N, we just needed a better plan", Namjoon stated.

Jungkook smiled, he was going to get you back, he was going to make this right.

After all, you were his fate. And what good would he have escaping that especially when he himself didn't want to.

"Who's ready to crash a wedding!?", Namjoon grinned



𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now