𝟏𝟒 - 𝐕𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫

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You go outside only having to excuse yourself through a huge crowd to get to the front. You swear you had never seen these many people in the village at one time. Some were murmuring when they saw you, others eyes widened and some gave you the side eye.

Nonetheless, you followed through to join the boys at the front. Now you could understand the villagers reaction when you saw the bloodfeeder who had attacked you from before, moreover there were eight more bloodfeeders with him.

Sheila had said she was giving you one week before she would do all this. She had clearly lied!

You were blended in with the crowd so Jungkook and the others currently talking to the blood feeders hadn't noticed you yet. You heard into their conversation.

"Give us the princess!", the bloodfeeder demanded.

"Not a chance!", Jungkook spat.

"Oh I wasn't asking", the bloodfeeder bitterly chuckled.

"I'm just giving you one last chance before we have to tear this place apart to find her and I got plenty of backup", he smirked.

"There are plenty of other humans, go find someone else to help put those pathetic fangs to use", Jungkook retorted.

"Despite being a pathetic human, she is special", the bloodfeeder stepped forward coming right in Jungkook's face.

"She's the princess for one and two...", he pointed one of his claw at Jungkook's chest, "She's your mate", he let out a large laugh.

A mate? Jungkook's mate?

You had no idea what he was going on about.

"A human, an alpah's mate, quite embarassing really", the bloodfeeder hissed.

Jungkook's eyes widened, only the boys knew you were his mate, not even you did. That meant someone from the village had overheard their conversation and it must be them who had connections to the bloodfeeder.

"Who told you!", Jungkook asked.

"Oh I assure you, the traitor is quite near to you but that's none of my business, I'm just here to get the princess, the quicker I get her, the quicker we get this over with", the bloodfeeder rolled his eyes.

You bit your lip nervously, there was no way you were letting Jungkook and the boys get into another fight, in fact, the entire village could pay a huge fight because the nine bloodfeeders did not look like they came to leave without you.

You abruptly stepped out of the crowd and forward.

Everyone gasped as a huge smile was now plastered on the bloodfeeder.

"I-I'm here, just take me and leave them alone", you confessed walking forward.

Jungkook shot you a glare as you passed him, "I told you to stay put!"

You mouthed an "I'm sorry" but little did you know Jungkook wasn't one to give up. He held you back, twirling you into Taehyung's direction.

"Get Y/N away from here!", he commanded.

Taehyung didn't have to be told twice as he was already dragging you away from the seen.

You got a last glimpse of Jungkook and the others attacking the bloodfeeder.

"I have to do something!", you stopped.

"Y/N you are doing something, you're saving yourself now let's go!", Taehyung stated. You had never seen him this intimidating before.

"But what about them, I atleast have to help", you wanted to run back into the crowd to help.

"You are helping by leaving now let's go!", Taehyung nudged you forward as you disappared into the forest, escaping the village in war.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now