Chapter Eleven - Insanity

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"You know, I told you to stay strong."

I shot up quickly to meet eyes with the blue eyed soldier, I went up to hug him but for my arms only to go through him. It was an illusion.

"I'm not actually here, but I had to pay you a visit, how is my best friend?" Loki asked standing opposite me.

"Terrible, each and every single day just gets worse and worse without you cheering me up." I replied with my eyes filled with tears.

"Aesira, stop. You know I'll come back, and if I don't you'll live for me."

"I just don't know."

His illusion started to flicker and I looked up at him whilst he was, scared? "No, Loki don't leave please.." I begged. I reached out for him one more time before he disappeared and left me sobbing.

I'll live for him no matter what.

The next day.

I felt rage in my body, bursts of energy going through every single vein until my ancient form began to show crawling up my arms.

I thought I couldn't have my powers in another realm, clearly I was mistaken.

I shut the black-out curtains before any of my neighbours could see and sat there trying to make it go away.

"P- please stop." I begged shaking and rocking back and fourth. Memories with Loki were intercepting every single one of my thoughts and it would never go away. Eventually I got up and went upstairs into Loki's room. I then lied on his bed reminding myself of his embrace so I can calm down, but there was no scent left.

I kept hearing screams of pain in my head, war screams. Children being slaughtered or losing their loved ones. Guns, bombs, death.

"Im going insane, I need some sleep." I spoke to myself as I fell asleep in Loki's bed.

Another year later

I'm going mad, the voices won't stop. Loki hasn't visited me again and each and every second no matter how hard I try theres always the screams of the fallen. Loki has been gone 2, almost 3 years now and I can't help but think he's dead. There's been no letters, no illusions, no nothing.

But that's when I heard a siren, a very loud siren. All the city of London's air raid noises were echoing through my ears, but it was too late because I already started to hear the German bombers low engine coming towards the house. It was usual but the sirens never went off this late. I ran under the table with my true form once again coming through me as I heard the bomb whistle and hitting the house. Everything went dusty and it was too much, I tried to keep my eyes open for as long as I could but I couldn't hold on, I collapsed under the wooden table.

Two days later.

"AESIRA, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" I heard a voice speak to me but when I opened my eyes expecting Loki to be there he wasn't. All I saw was rubble and dead bodies. I heard the distant screams of when the bomb hit. My body was on fire, literally. There was yellow glowing orbs glowing in my hands. I yelled in pain falling to the ground again since the power was just too much. I stared up at the cloudy sky as multiple spitfires flew over, then I turned back to my normal self, Smiled, and closed my eyes accepting the pain.

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