Authors Note

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If you are reading this, well, thanks! I mean like it's not a must to read but if you are then great!

So, I'm writing this just to mention a couple things and just because I feel like doing it!

Alright, onto the important things (imma make it short so that y'all don't have to listen to me ramble):

1. This is the first story in 'The Adventures of River Song' and it takes place after 'The Wedding of River Song'
2. This is a relatively long story!
3. This is a Doctor x River story if you hadn't noticed by now (and yes, I do ship them UwU)
4. I am currently working on this story, so sooner or later it shall be completed! There is no way in hell I'm leaving this story unfinished! You can bet your bottom dollar on that
5. Apart from TAoRS, I will be working on some shorter stories and/or one-shots! Those stories will include the Doctor, the Doctor's respective companion(s) and River! They will be much shorter than TAoRS, don't worry!
6. Concerning criticism, I'm all for it as long as it's constructive!
7. Please do comment on my stories! Whether it's with an opinion, an idea or whatever, please do comment it! It really boosts my confidence and I'd love to see y'all's opinions and thoughts! (I've just realized I should probably put this higher up the list cause no one will probably see it down here but oh well)

And well, that's it! If you read up to here, thanks! I do really hope you enjoy reading my story (if in fact you do read it) and that you find some joy in it! <3 I've worked really really hard on it and it's a real passion project of mine!

Goodbye and enjoy!

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