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I slam my old, teal locker closed and shuffle through the crowd of high schoolers. I make my way to Ellie's locker, which is, conveniently, one row away from mine. I hear Lucy Moore, the freshman's queen bee and full time bitch, laugh loudly from directly behind me. She most likely has her arm draped around her complete idiot of a boyfriend, Logan Clarke. Suddenly, she seems to appear in front of me out of nowhere.

Gag. She's wearing just the right amount of makeup, has perfectly styled hair, and a not-too-slutty outfit. She's too perfect. I hear the click, click, of her three inch heels as she walks towards me and flashes a beautiful, although fake smile. Her long, perfectly perfect curls of blonde hair swish by her side as she sways closer to me.

"Well, well. If it isn't the Stick." She chortles rudely. Her dumbass boyfriend holds her by the waist and laughs along with her. If you didn't know, Stick is the nickname that she's given me. It makes fun of my tall and overly skinny figure. While she, on the other hand, is the perfect height and the perfect weight. I roll my eyes, and shake my head. I'm used to this by now.

Honestly, I thought freshman year meant a fresh start. Of course, I didn't realize that a bigger school meant bigger drama. Now, there are twice as many populars as there were last year, in eighth grade. Lucy and her little clique all come from my middle school. I thought that they would at least be mature enough now to stop picking on me and people like me. While really, it seems like nothing has changed at all.

The school that I'm currently attending is called Riverside High, which is in the wonderfully sunny city of Fort Myers, Florida. With it's huge campus and updated technology, I feel like I don't even belong here. Yet, here I stand, in the hallways of this glorified public school, hundreds of insults to hit Lucy with running through my head.

"And if it isn't Little Miss Barbie and her Ken doll. Attention whore much? Just try not to get in my way, thanks." I respond dryly, pushing past her. Before I completely pass her, I see her face scrunch up in annoyance and anger. I feel her glaring at the back of my head as I stalk away with my dignity still somewhat intact. I try not to think about it as I spot Ellie's brunette head over some guys shoving each other.

Ellie Greene is one of my few close friends from middle school. We met in sixth grade, and since we both walked home and lived close, we became great friends very quickly. We've been basically inseparable ever since.

She's incredibly beautiful also. I find myself feeling insecure by just being in her presence, although she doesn't seem to mind me. She's a bit above the average height and not a complete stick figure like me. Her brown hair, light chocolate eyes, and pale skin are a result of her Hispanic heritage. Basically, what I'm saying is that she's a real beauty, although she can't see it herself.

I step past the brawling boys and stride towards her, my long, brown hair swishing behind me. She sees me immediately after she closes her locker. Strolling towards me with her colorfully decorated binder, she smiles.

"So, anything?" She asks me as we start to walk through the hall to eighth period, English. I avert my eyes and pick at my plain red binder, which was starting to fall apart after only six months of school.

"Nah. He was just talking with his other friends. It's fine, he doesn't have to speak to me every single day, you know." I tell her, looking back up at her.

We are, of course, talking about my recently discovered crush. His name is Aaron Collins. He is hilarious, and a total dork, although, he is in the semi-popular crowd. He wears black, nerdy glasses, which makes him look even hotter than he was in the first place. I've only just met him this year, even though he was in my middle school also. He is currently in three of my classes, which include Orchestra, English, and Study Hall.

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