Team Lyle

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  "...Look, let's get a team meetin' goin' everybody! Come on team meeting time!" He is so loud. I don't know how I'm going to tolerate him all summer.

"Alright, let's get some meet and greet goin' up in this heezy." He is trying way to hard to be cool. He's literally like 24 or something probably. Please stop. "I'm Lyle and it's pretty much wysiwyg, what you see is what you get. Been here at the Goog for four years, working on seven projies en esto momento."

"Wow. Seven projects," the blonde one says.

"Hey, they ask and i doose it. What can I say? I'm a people pleaser. Especially with the ladies, my Marcedes," He leans towards me an Neha as he says that. Neha has a sour look on her face, and I just roll my eyes. Personally, if I wouldn't get arrested, I would have punched him.   "So it's all good in Lyle's hood, ya heard?"

"Yeah, is Lyle always going to be refering to himself in the third person? Cause if he is, I might want to punch Lyle in the face," says the attractive guy. He's the only reason I'm actually ok with being in this group. Otherwise, I probably would have just walked out after the groups were made.

"Ok. Fair. Good note. Lyle's still a little nervous. Uh, first time manager..Lyle's a first time man...I'm gonna stop doing that. I'm going to cut it out, keep it the first and second person. Who's next?"


Almost everyone has introduced themselves and now I know their names. So that's good. All that's left  is the café guy and his friend, and me. "...I'm Nick and this is my pal Billy, and despite what you may think, we're here like the rest of you. Just runnin down a dream."

"Alright. How about you?" Lyle says looking at me. I was really hoping that no one would notice that I hadn't introduced myself yet. Believe it or not, (not counting when I moved to America about 5 years ago), this is the biggest group of people I've had to introduce myself to. I try my best to sound confident and not have a shakey voice.

"Um, my name is Lucy. I just turned 19 last week and like most of you, I just finished my Junior year of college in Chicago.I moved here from the UK when I was 14....That's about it."

Everyone looked at me with suprised looks on their faces. Well, almost everyone. Stewart kind of looked suprised, but he never looked up from his phone. Nick spoke up. "Wow, 19. So you're like a genius right?"

"Um, I guess?" I say kind of confused. "I mean, I'm a little advanced for my age, but I wouldn't consider myself a genius."

"Well, I do. And where did you say you were from? The UK?" Billy asks.

"Yeah. London. But I live in Chicago now. I moved there when I was 14."

 "Alright, well thank you Lucy. Team Lyle!" Lyle says. No one moves. I still don't know what I think about him. "No? Ok, we'll workshop that. It's in beta. Okey doke, our Translate workshop is in 15 minutes."


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