Bridges and Drunk Texts

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I sit on a picnic table bench with Neha and Billy to my right. Yo-yo is on the table top of the one I'm sitting on, and Lyle is who knows where, and we're all overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge at dusk. The view is just stunning. I've never seen the bridge before (besides pictures) because the last time I was here for Holiday, I was further south at Disneyland.

I was also just within earshot of Nick and Stewart, able to hear their conversation.

"Look at that view. That's not something you're gonna see on that 4-inch little screen, you gotta look up."

"Heh. Yeah." Stewart says, and Nick hands him his phone.

"My phone? Did you have this all last night?" 

"Yeah. Remember when I took it away so you would look at Lu-"

"Mm. Oh yeah." 

"Yeah.. you know,  were an animal out there."  

"Right"   "No, you were. Did you have a good time."  "Yeah, it was alright."   "'It was alright.' Why do you do that?"   "What do you mean? Do what?"   "Lowball me like that. Come on. I'm not going to take away your 'cool guy' card if you admit that you actually give a shit about something, or God forbid, you had a great time."   "Alright it was fun."   "Stewie...."   "What? What do you want me to say? That it was the greatest night of my life?"   "Only if it's true."  

"Alright. It was the best night of my life......almost."  


"There's still one thing I have to do." Stewart says and turns to look at me. I give a little wave.   

"Go get her, my Noogler." Nick says. Stewart laughs and walks towards me.

"Soooo, to continue from last night..." he starts. He sits beside me on the bench in a relaxed position.

"Yes?" I say.

"I was wondering if you would want to hang out sometime.."

"Are you asking me out?" I let out a little chuckle.

He sits up a little straighter. "Yeah. Why is that funny?"

"Oh it's not, sorry. It's just, I've..." I pause for a second, "I've never been asked out before. I'm not really sure how to react in this situation." 

"Really?" He sounded genuinely surprised. "Someone as beautiful as you, has never gone on a date?"

"Um..yeah. Pretty lame right? I mean, I'm basically a senior in college and I've never dated anyone.... I guess, since I'm so shy, guys just haven't ever given me a second look."

"Well, I'm sorry they didn't."

I smile. We sit there in silence for a few seconds, then he continues.

"So the date? Yes or no?"

"Yes. I would love that."

"Awesome." He puts his arm around me and I lean my head on his chest. "How about tomorrow night?"

"That sounds great."


"Lyle! It looked like you hit it off with Shaffron."   "I'm texting her that I love her and I'm sending her this picture I just took of Little Lyle when he made pee in the bushes. Look he's winking."   "No. Lyle, Lyle, Lyle, that's a horrible idea. Please don't do that. You're drunk off you ass."   "I appreciate your concern, but I'm flying baby."

"Look, Lyle, you're not flying. What's 17 squared."   "289, why?"  

"Try square root of 17 maybe?" Stewart offers.

"4.23 maybe." (It's actually 4.123)

Nick intervenes, "That's the app.That's the app we should do right there."

Everyone else looks confused, but I get what he's saying. I stand up and help him out, "Have the user answer a question before they send a drunk text, email, excetera."  "Exactly."

"Can we do that?"

"Hells yeah we can do that."

Yo-yo finally wakes up from his alcohol-indiced 'coma', "Are you shitting me? I could program the shit out of that bitch on the ride home."

"I guess we have an overwhelming yes, then. Let's go."

"Let's roll. Let's get back to HQ."

Then Stewart interrupts the excitement. "Wait. Why don't we stay a little longer. Enjoy the view."

"Oh, alright......waaiiiiit..Are you talking about the bridge or your girl?" Nick says, winking at me. 

Everyone laughs, and we stay for about 10 more minutes. I sunggle up against Stewart and we sit there and watch the sunrise.


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