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Day three. Neha and I walk together to the café to grab a quick breakfast and sit at the table where we first met and we now claim it as 'our table'.

We walk out of the café talking and exchanging numbers, not paying attention. I bump into Stewart causing both of us to drop our phones.  "Sorry," I say, picking up both our phones and handing his to him. He hesitates for a second, and we make eye concact. "Whatever," he huffs, taking his phone and continuing on his way into the café. "Well, geez. That could have gone better" I say. Neha looks at me. "He totally likes you."

"Nuh-uh. Why would he have any reason to?" 

"Maybe because you're feaking geogous. Have you seen yourself today?"

Today I'm wearing a tank and sweater with leggings and tall boots and my glasses. The email they sent us said that our daily challenge was within the Google HQ building, so I decided I wanted to look nice today since we were staying inside. I guess I realize now that it was a little ambitious to look so nice, when Neha is just wearing a casual navy dress with a white dove pattern on it. 

"Ok ok. I guess I over did it a little when I was getting ready this morning, but still, what makes you think he likes me?"

"Didn't you notice when you were handing him back his phone, he stopped for a second and actually looked at you and made eye contact? It's probably the first time he's even looked up from his phone these past three days besides sleeping."

I give a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah, ok. He totally likes me. All because I made him look up from his phone. Speaking of phones, you weren't finished giving me your number."

I push the button on the side of my phone to wake it up and to my surprise there's a number-passoword lock that comes up. "Wait a second. This isn't my phone."

"What do you mean?" Neha asks.

"Well look. There's a number lock. I don't have a password on my phone. Which means..."

"Oh my God!! You have Stewart's phone!" she basically yells.

"Shh! No need to yell! But yeah I do. Now what?"

"Try unlocking it and going though his pics or something."

"No. I can't do that. Frist of all, I don't know the password, and secondly..." I trail off. "What if does that to mine?! I don't have a password, so he can basically do what ever he wants on it! He could go through my pictures. Or look at my twitter or tumblr or..."

Neha interjects, "Calm down Lucy! He probably did the same thing you did and realized it wasn't his phone. Just wait until we meet up with the rest of the group for our first challenge and you guys can exchange phones."

I take a deep breath. "Ok, ok. You're right. I only have to wait like 10 more minutes."


"Good morning, interns. Today marks the first of several challeges through which your team will show their merits...."

As virtual Chetty is giving an introduction about the first challenge all I can think about is my phone and what Stewart has probably done to it. Luckily for him, I couldn't get into his, so no harm has been done. Suddenly, everyone is hopping out of their seats getting started on the challenge. I don't even know what is going on because I was so distracted thinking about my phone. I think I remember Chetty saying something about disabled audio and finding a bug. So I'm just going to assume that something happened to someone's something and their audio isn't working and that's where the bug is. I sit at a computer and start scrolling through the code so it looks like I'm actually doing something. I was so focused on the code and the phones that I hadn't noticed that Nick and Billy had seemed to vanish. I wonder where they went.


Lunch rolls around and Stewart and I still haven't exchanged phones. I guess it's not really an issue because we were all so busy with the debuging challenge that neither of us really had time to talk, let alone switch phones.

As I walk to the outside tables with my tray I notice Nick and Billy standing by the rest of our group. It doesn't look like they're letting them sit though. I mean, there definately isn't enough room for both of them to sit there, but one of them could anyways, and I could sit with the other one. I notice Stewart kind of scoots over in his seat, as to say 'sorry, you can't sit here'. That's low. (And he was so perfect..) Nick and Billy head their own way and sit by some guy with headphones on, typing away on his computer. I walk over to the table and Stewart scoots back over as to invite me to sit wtih them.  

All I say is, "You know, that was low." And  as I walk away, I give al of them a little glare and head to sit with Billy and Nick. 

"Hey, nice glasses." Nick says.

"Thanks." Stewart's phone buzzes, but I ignore it.

"So tell me about London. What is it like? All I know about it is Big Ben and red busses."

I tell Nick and Billy what London is like and that it's more than just 'Big Ben and red busses'. I tell them about the London Eye and the Tower Bridge and how the summer olympics were just held there in 2012.

Once our conversation is coming to an end and we are finished eating. Stewart comes over.

"H-hey. Here's your phone. I guess they got mixed up this morning at the café when we dropped them."

"Oh, thanks. Yeah. Here's yours. It buzzed by the way." We exchange phones.

"Ok. Thanks." He walks away, putting his phone in his pocket. Strange. I would have thought he would have checked it or something to see why it buzzed. Whatever, I guess.

"Oh man. He totally has a crush on youuu." Billy says. 

"Oh my gosh. You guys too? Neha said the same thing. Please tell me, why do you think Stewart, the total phone-absorbed kid, likes me." I say in a interview-type voice.

Nick starts, "Well for starters, he stuttered when he said hey to you."

Billy cuts in, "And did you see how he was looking at you? Don't take this the wrong way, but if I was his age, I would totally want to date you."

First of all eww, don't say that to a teen when you're in your mid-30s or whatever.  "Yeah, yeah ok. He looked at me and we made eye contact. Totally a sign that he wants to go out. And stuttering? What makes that plausible? I stutter a lot when I talk to people too."

"You haven't since you started talking to us," Nick says.

I give him a blank stare and process that for a second. "Ok. Well, when I'm passionate about something I'm saying or talking about, like London, I don't really stutter." And for some odd reason I felt comfortable around NIck and Billy. But I wasn't about to tell them that.

"Hmm...ok. I see your point. But the statement still stands. Stewie totally likes you."

Hm..Stewie. That's cute. I wouldn't mind calling him that if we were a thing. But it's not gonna happen, because he does not like me. 

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