New Job

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We are standing outside, waiting for our cue.

" team has not returned from their final challenge, so, therefore I am forced to calculate the results with their score and an incomplete....We have a victor; congratulations..."

"Now!" Lyle tells me. I push the enter button on his laptop and we can see the presentation turning to static, then to a video with 70s people with afros dancing and our faces pasted onto them, with upbeat music playing in the background. Everyone looks around confused, and we walk in with a bunch of pizzas. They all then start cheering. (Because, who doesn't want pizza?)

We all start passing out and throwing slices to people.

"That's enough," Chetty begins.

Graham interrupts him, "Yes, lovely theatrics, but the jig is up. It's too late. Rules are rules, right Chetty?" God, I hate him.

Chetty continues, "Yes, rules are rules. And, the rules state that every team had a right, until the announcement is made, to turn in their sales. So, in spite of your lack of punctuality, which is astounding, I have no choice but accept this submission, and to recalculate."


Graham speaks again. "Go ahead. Recalculate. One sale to a small family pizza joint's not going to make a difference anyway." Is he, like, unable to keep his mouth shut or something? Seriously, Give us this one moment of glory.

"It does seem that Mr. Hawtrey is correct once again."


"The sales from one shop on the last challenge are not enough to put you in the lead..."

"I'm sorry.." Billy apologizes.

Chetty continues "But, this is not one shop.You see, this is a blossoming franchise with endless possibilities thanks to you. And what you have done as a team is connect to people, and connect those people to information. Which is what we do. And more than that, you have the courage to dream. In spite of you obvious, and astonishing, limitations, you never gave up on that dream. So, gentlemen, and ladies..."

Graham interrupts again, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Chetty, no offense, you're a glorified babysitter. Let's get someone down here who actually means something."

"I'm right here." The guy that helped me help Billy stands up.


"Graham, please meet Mr. Anderson....Andrew here, is the head of Search; a rather important position here at Google."

"I-it's and honor."

Billy speaks, "Look at you, Headphones. A little mystery behind the boy."

"What? H-how do you know him?"

"We were encouraged to reach out to experienced Googlers. Pretty simple, no big mystery," Nick says.

"To reach out to other Googlers, not just kiss their asses. You see, these interns are smart, collaborative, pretty, and just weird enough to make them interesting. Also, they came together as a team to do something here.Their Googliness is truly off the charts."

"Oh my God, can you stop with the 'Googliness'? Like, what does that even mean?"

"The fact  that you don't know what it means, is why you'll never work here. Also, you just made me use a bunch of words in front of a ton of people. Look at me. You're a real dick for doing that."

I finally speak, "And your accent is bullshit!" Graham and the others look at me. "Man, it feels good to say that aloud. I mean, I would know, because I'm actually British, Un. Like. You."

There's an array of "ooo's" from the crowd. I can see him starting to turn red. Good riddance. 

Chetty finally finishes his speech, "So...welcome to Google."

Everyone starts cheering, as do we. We're high-fiving all around, and when I get to Stewart, he grabs my hand, pulls me closer to him, and kisses me. The crowd cheers louder. We pull apart and Nick pats him on the back, and I hug Neha.

What an exciting summer.


Team Lyle does a final group hug before separating. Me, Stewart and Neha head the same way towards the buses.

"Don't be strangers you two. Shoot me a text sometime."

"Forget that. I'll come see you in person."

"Sure. I'd like that. What about you Lucy?"

"Um...I'll see what I can do. Maybe we can meet up during Christmas break or something?"

"Yeah! That would be awesome! Great. See you then."

"Ok! Bye!"

Neha leaves her suitcase on the curb for the bus driver and gets on a bus. I start to tear up, so I also put park my suitcase on the curb, and try to hurry onto the bus. But, unluckily, Stewart pulls me back.

"Are you crying?"


He holds my face in his hands and takes his thumbs to wipes away my tears. He speaks softly, "'s ok. Why are you crying?"

I sniffle and try my hardest to not have that whimper/cry voice, "I't just....I finally get a boyfriend, and now I have to leave him. I mean, we live half way across the country from each other. It's gotta be at least a day and a half drive, or so."

He talks in a calm tone to comfort me, "Don't worry, once next summer rolls around, we're going to be together basically all the time."

"That's true, I guess."

"Yeah. And what about spring break? I'm bet we'll both be free then. We could go somewhere together."

"Yeah. Yeah, ok. That sounds good." I'm much calmer now. I wipe away the last straggler tears with my sleeve. He takes my hand and we get on the bus together. 

"And guess what?" he says, "we get to ride this bus to the airport together. So that's a couple more hours we get to have together."

"Yeah, that's true," I say. We sit down and I lean my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes; dreaming of how great this summer was and how wonderful spring break and next summer are going to be.


My Summer at Google {{Stuart Twombly x Reader}}Where stories live. Discover now