Flash Dance

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Day four. Today we have and outdoor challenge to test our teamwork. Aaaand we're playing Quidditch. It may surprise you, but I have never read the Harry Potter books or watched the movies. I know, I know, I'm from England and never got into the fandom...what the heck? Well luckily, even though I'm not in the fandom, a lot of my English (and American) friends were, so I got to know the gist of everything. So I know how this rediculous game works. Unfortunately, Nick and Billy don't. That wasn't the only issue though. We just had to verse Graham's team. What luck.

"...Version 2.0: Peg them with the kick balls before they throw the voleyball through the hoop. Brooms in people. Hufflepuff on three. One, two, three, Hufflepuff!"


A timeout is called and we are down 70-00. What a joke this is. Luckily, I'm not playing because our team has one-too-many people, so I'm on the sideline. I go into the huddle though during the timeout, because that's permitted. 

"...we need to get our minds right and start believing."

"This reminds me of a little girl who had to get her head right and start believing. A little girl from a steel town who had the dream to dance. No one believed in that little welder girl, but thank God she believed in herself."

Sterart butts in, "Are you talking about Flashdance? The movie from the 80s?"

"Yeah, you're damn right I am. That's exactly what I'm talking about," Billy continues. "The deck was stacked against Alex, and you know how she overcame those odds? By believing in herself and trying....And now, in the second half of whatever-the-hell you guys call this game, can't we all be that little welder girl who wants to be something more? Now I know you guys are not that excited that we're on your team, but we're here. And we're all in this together. So I'm asking you, believe in yourselves. Believe in each other. Let's put on our legwarmers, and let's dance our asses off."

Well, after that speech, I went back to the sidelines and the others took their spots to get ready for the second half. The whistle blew and off they went. Billy blocked a pass and threw it to Stewart, who then passed it to Neha, to Lyle, to Nick who threw it over the guy guarding the hoops and Billy hit it in. Freaking amazing! This greatness continued until the score was tied 70-70. That's when the Golden Snitch came out. Of course, Billy and Nick were completely confused as to why a guy was dress in all-gold attire with a golden ball strapped to himself, but they went with it. Unfortunately in the end, stupid Graham's team got the Snitch and won, but I personally thought it was an awesome game.


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